Chapter 13

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Evelyn's Pov

I listened Jessica's chit chatting about how she ended up here, she was a good company to be with and starting yesterday we became friends, I had a new friend.

Suddenly the door of the room bursted opened, both of our heads turned to see who it is, it was Thomas then he turned to look at us "Out" He said to Jessica while gritting his teeth, I dont know what got him in a bad mood.

Jessica bowed down and quickly stood up, leaving us both alone in the room. Looking up to him with my bored eyes "What is it about you talking to everyone you see" Thomas said, I ignored him and still cant forgive him for killing his people, standing up to leave.

Thomas grabbed my wrist from behind, making me turned to face him "What's your problem!" He shouted, I glared at him "No, what is your problem?!" I asked and Thomas chuckled in disbelief "you know what's the problem? You keep talking to every people you see, the next thing I see you talking to random guards too and I'll kill him" He said seriously.

I scoffed at him in disbelief "You're crazy, do you know that? Stop being Jealous because we are not that close anymore!" I said loudly, thomas glared at me and held my wrist more but I keep the pain and still glaring up to him. "Remember that we are getting married in the next day, no one will stop me from getting what I want and not even yourself" He said roughly, anger in his eyes.

Glaring at him angrily and clenching my fist while Thomas keeps gripping my wrist tightly "Why are you even doing this and please stop being so angry everyday!" I said, Thomas looked into my eyes and pulled me close to him "Someone made me angry for a reason and you have to control it!" Thomas said as he kissed my neck roughly, widening my eyes and tried pushing him away.

Thomas then held both of my wrists as he pushed me down with him to the bed, tears forming in my eyes as he tried removing my dress while kissing my neck "Thomas, please dont do this. I dont want this" I said through my tears, making him stop.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing a Man who has a wide eyes as soon as he saw us in this position "Y-your majesty sorry for-" Thomas cutted him off "I believe that this is important, commander" Thomas said before fixing his suit and walked out of the room.

"Someone is waiting for you in the Living room, sire" The man said and Thomas nodded as he goes downstairs. I kept crying silently and the man was about to leave when he saw my condition. He slowly walked towards me and taps me gently.

"M-ma'am? Are you okay?" He asks, I kept crying silently, tears in my eyes. "Please, Go away" I said through my tears as I feel so much disgusting of that monster touching me. "No, ma'am I wont leave you in this condition" he said, I shook my head "I said go away!" I said out loud and clear but he wasn't listening. "I won't go away, like it or not" he said seriously.

I stayed silent of the confident of this Man "here ma'am, sit down slowly. I'll help you before master returns here and finds me helping you, Master is a Jealous man" he said. I dont want Thomas to hurt this guy who just wants to help me so I quickly sit up on the bed.

The man held out his hand on my forehead "Oh, you have fever" He said, I frowned. I dont feel anything, I touched my forehead and its hot. The man lefts and comes back minutes with a water and basin.

"You should take care of yourself, ma'am" He said as he dipped the cloth into the water and he pressed the cold cloth in my forehead, I look at him confusedly at his doing and he noticed me "Oh- forgive me for not telling you my name's Jack" he said.

I nodded "and who are you to the Prince?" I asked, he seems to be close with Thomas throughout the years "I am commander Jack and a close friend of the Prince, he talked to me alot about you" Jack said as he pressed the cloth more to my forehead, due to the coldness of it I gasped.

Jack then slowly and softly rubbed it against my skin, my arms then he stopped at my neck as soon as he saw the mark Thomas gave me. Looking down awkwardly and I quickly hide it "Forgive the Prince for doing this to you forcefully" Jack said.

I looked up to him with a sigh "You seem to be more than just a commander to the Prince, you knew how I dont want it" I said, Jack looked at me and nodded "Yes, I am a childhood friend with the Prince and we became close as we grew up together" Jack said.

Nodding my head, then I hear footsteps coming here. Jack quickly stood up with the basin and cloth "W-wait!" I said quickly, making him stop "Can I see you again?" I asks suddenly, why did I say that.

Jack nodded "I'm always around, ma'am" he said, I chuckled and replied "Call me Evelyn or Eve" I said, making Jack to turn around and shake my hand with him "I prefer Eve for short, Nice to meet you" He said, I nodded and shaking my hand with him with a smile on my face.

He then quickly look at the door but no one opened it, Jack quickly poured the water in the bathroom floor as he climbed on the balcony, furrowing my brows and followed him "What are you doing!" I said, Jack looked up to me and replied "Who knows that door will be opened as soon as I grab the knob of it" he said.

I chuckled at his planned, watching him climbing down and finally reached to the ground as he looked up to me "I just realised how high is that room" he shouted for me to hear, I chuckled more and then I hear footsteps coming, I quickly walked to the bathroom and hid myself there. I cant confront him after what he did to me!

Closing my eyes tightly, waiting for him to opened the door but then nothing happened. When I twisted the doorknob, the door was suddenly opened roughly and making my head bump on the door "ow!" I said as I stumble back, holding my head and It was not Thomas. "Oh, Eve! Its you! I'm so sorry!" Jessica said quickly while rubbing my forehead.

Anne's Pov

Walking around the room nervously, what if something happened to Evelyn? I keep asking myself and Carl who kept telling how she was like sacrificing herself for us and is not helping me. "Oh, carl shut your mouth a bit you're making me regret leaving her there" I said.

Carl sighed "what if she didn't make it? What if that Madman caught her escaping and locked her?" He kept asking, I groaned "Carl!" I shouted and making him flinch "what!" I sighed and controlled my voice down "Can you shut your mouth, it's so annoying like a chicken chuckling everytime I speak! You're not helping" I said.

Carl sticked out his tongue out, I widened my eyes and was about to scream angrily at him when he quickly covered my mouth "don't scream or they'll hear and kick us out!" I mumbled against his palm, then suddenly Carl stumbled while covering my mouth.

Widening my eyes as Carl fell in his back, with me on top of him. I groaned and rubbed my forehead of the sudden stumble, I stopped as Carl and I made an eye contact. I did not think of anything but him and it seems like its just me and him, without the place we are in right now.

Carl has his gaze on my lips then he closed his eyes before placing his lips on mine, my eyes were wide open in surprise and I froze in my place. M-my first kiss.

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