Chapter 25

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Evelyn's Pov

Looking down as Anne keeps talking with her mouth that is unstoppable to interrupt her so I keep silent "That is not right! You should leave quick, just leave us here and live your life! That monster has done enough bad things in our lives and i dont want anything more to happen!" She said quickly.

I sighed before shaking my head "I know he's done many bad things in our lives, I also want to leave from here but not without you" I replied, Anne turned around "Your life is important, remember you dreamt of being free?" She asks, I furrowed my brows "I know, all lives are important! I also want to be free but not without my friends, I want to see you and Carl married" I said with my worried voice.

Anne widened her eyes "Married? Carl? What are you talking about, were not getting married" She said while looking away, Carl opened his eyes as he heard it "So, you dont want to marry me?" He asks. I looked down at him and rushed in his side "You're awake!"

Anne quickly looked away with her shy face "It's nothing, idiot" She said, I laughed and Carl just chuckled "Come here, silly" He said, Anne just gave up and turned around, running into Carl's arms. I keep smiling, I knew they were something.

Carl then turned his head to me "Evelyn, what are you planning to do? And what's that mark on your neck?" He asks while pointing below my jaw, I looked down slightly and I widened my eyes before covering it "It's nothing" I said simply but calmly.

Anne and Carl gets suspicious "I read some of books about that mark" She said while looking at my neck carefully, I widened my eyes "no" I said before holding her forehead and making her turn away from me "Hey! I just want to check if it really is a hicke-" I cutted her off by quickly running out from the room.

Closing the door behind before leaning on it, I sighed in relief "Why is it not fading off?" I asked to myself while rubbing the hickey "Don't you do that" I look up to the voice and It's Thomas who was smirking down at me "Why?" I asked, he then leaned his head down closer to my face "I want to let anyone know that you belong to me" He whispered.

I quickly got flustered while clapping the air, smiling at him, ignoring what he said "Just a fly, I have something to do so" I said while waving him a bye, Thomas walked towards me and I slowly back away until my back hit the wall behind me, I keep looking down "Why do you keep ignoring me?" He asked.

Keeps on looking down while Thomas trying to find my eyes, I'm getting nervous "Is it because of what I've done to you?" He asks again, this time I look up to him and answered "Yes" I said simply, Thomas chuckled while caressing his jaw "You said you want to change me for a month, is this how you change me? Like were enemies, how are you going to change me then?" He asks me.

I look up to him and was about to answer but no words coming out, Thomas chuckled more "Stop chuckling, you're not a chicken" I said, Thomas laugh more before humming as he thinks for a while "Your reply reminds me of our first conversation" He said.

And I remembered it, so much good memories but now it's just nothing, I didn't knew whats his true intention of me. I snapped out of thoughts as Thomas gasped "oh! How about you act like I never do anything bad to you?" He said, I look down for a while. I cant even act of being a friend of him for a month because I clearly hate this man for killing his people and for hurting my friends.

I looked up to him, but for my friends. I would do anything to take them out of this cruel place "I'll try" I said before turning around as I start to walk away while thinking and Thomas just stared at my back. I guess everything will work and nothing is impossible. Just difficult, I sighed and nodded before walking back to the bedroom to rest

Thomas Pov

How I wish to feel the love and care from Evelyn again. Drinking wine while keep thinking of our memories with her, reading books and making fun of ourselves, oh how I love teasing her so much that makes it leave a small blush in her cheek.

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