My conscience is clear

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"The banquet is ready, your royal highness."

Omori, ruler of Headspace, wore a satisfied smile on his face as he returned to his castle and arrived at the banquet hall. Behind him, his royal entourage followed with haste. That included Royal Knight Aubrey, Royal Dragoon Kel, and the Royal Cook Hero, pushing five trays of deliciously cooked food. It also included a captured, fully restrained Stranger.

Basil, the Royal Royal, sat in a golden chair decorated with flowers by the side of the King's seat at the center of the banquet table. Upon noticing Omori's return, Basil turned towards him, eyes shining like glowing stars, and smiled sweetly.

"Hey, Omori," Basil said. "I was getting worried you wouldn't be back today."

"Put your worries to rest. I'm fine," Omori replied. "Did you manage to find an artist?"

Basil nodded. "I found just the person you need!"

"Excellent. I captured a fine sample for our artist." He titled his head at Stranger standing behind him, all tied up in chains. "Our artist will use him as a model for the poster drawing."

Basil's smile grew awry. "You...captured one of them?"

Omori nodded triumphantly.

Basil wore an exasperated face as he took out his camera. "You know your kingdom has photo technology, right? We can just snap a photograph of Stranger. We don't need the artist anymore!"

With a sigh, Basil turned to the tiny rainbow leafed sprout mole standing beside him. The sprout mole artist was so short that Omori hadn't even noticed they were there until now. "Sorry for getting your hopes up," Basil said to the mole. "I guess you'll just have to return to your studio and hope someone else is willing to commission you."

With tears streaming down its cheeks, the rainbow leafed sprout mole skulked out of the room.

"...Anyway," Omori spoke, dragging Stranger forward by pulling on the chain, "Take a good look. Behold! Our mortal enemy." Omori's fists trembled as the rage inside him grew. "Kill this shadow on sight." Omori's veins protruded on his arms. " Exterminate them like cockroaches."

"Wait, there's multiple of them?" Kel asked.

"Of course there are, idiot!" Aubrey shouted at Kel. "King Omori said Strangers invaded our kingdom. Emphasis on the s. That's why we need posters to show everyone what Strangers look like."

"Oh," Kel said. "Sorry, my memory's been a bit fuzzy lately."

Omori unbound the ropes tied around Stranger's mouth so everyone could get a better look at his face. "Yes, Aubrey is right. Strangers and his shadow minions are invading my kingdom. We must kill them all."

"Maybe I'll tell the other Strangers to leave just so we don't have to deal with your tantrums anymore," Stranger spoke with a roll of his eyes. "Seriously, can we go back to regular Headspace already? This kingdom is the pits. You have awful taste in interior décor."

"Wow, he's right," Mari chimed. "See, little brother? I told you that we should've painted all the walls pink!"

"Everyone, shut up!" Omori screamed. He slapped Stranger across the face. The shadow boy winced in pain. Omori faced him. "When I'm done with you, you will rue the day you tried to invade my kingdom."

"I already rue the day I met you," Stranger replied.

Omori went on. "You think you're so clever? I will make you pay for every transgression."

"Yeah, you tell him!" Aubrey echoed. "I can't believe Stranger took away the cute yellow cat."

"What the...the cute yellow cat?" Omori yelled. "Aubrey, what are you talking about?"

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