Cloud of Darkness

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Omori was in a slight predicament.

"How the hell do I get out of here."

Being low on juice proved more troublesome than he initially anticipated.

"Who knows?"

Omori glared at the fluffy-haired shadow, eyes narrowing with frustration. This shadow knew no limits to his uselessness. "You must know a way out of here. I am commanding you to tell me at once."

"Oh, back to the commanding, are we? Are you going to punish me again if I don't listen?"

An image flashed through Omori's head, but he refused to even touch the train of thought that stemmed from that. Anything coming from Stranger was unworthy of his attention, particularly not the level of respect of being pondered upon.

Omori grumbled under his breath. Damn shadow. Always playing some sort of game with him. Irritating fiend.

He ransacked his brain for other possible solutions to his dilemma.

If he could just restore his juice...

Damnit! Why was this happening!? He was the king–ruler of everything, and the ruler of everything should be able to do anything he wanted. So why was the simple task of restoring his juice proving to be so difficult?

It must be this's messing with my powers. I should have destroyed it earlier when I had the chance.

He couldn't permit any obstacles or threats to his throne. This place was obviously a defect, an anomaly, if it had the capability to limit his powers. It needed to be removed immediately. He needed to erase it from everyone's memory. Then, his rule would be safe again.

I need to destroy this library.

"Repression and destruction is your answer for everything," Stranger said, words soaked in disdain. The playful glint in his glowing eyes faded away. "You'll never learn, will you?"

Omori scowled with the realization that his thoughts had once again been invaded. He really needed to find a way to stop Stranger from doing that. "Silence! I devise intelligent solutions for every obstacle that dares rear its head at me. You know nothing."

"Hah! That's rich coming from you," Stranger scoffed. "Fine, keep telling yourself that. Hopefully, one day, you'll stop being so delusional."

"Delusional?!" Omori could not believe the absolute audacity. Delusional? Him?! Stranger was the delusional one, thinking he could speak to the ruler of everything this way! "Since the day we met, you've been insisting that my power over this world isn't absolute. But it is. You are the one who is delusional. I am perfectly in touch with reality."

Crossing his arms, Stranger rolled his eyes. "Okay, Omori. Say whatever you want. I'm done."

Omori saw sparks flying in his eyes. They swiftly caught flame.

"You think you're so clever? You think your pathetic attempts at destroying my world will ever work? You're worse than a fool."

"Okay, Omori. I said I'm done. You can stop now." Stranger rolled his eyes again, a harsher note in his voice.

"Shut up! You dare attempt to command me?!"

Stranger didn't even respond this time, just staring at Omori with a biting glare.

So now this shadow wasn't going to answer him? Ignore him? Who did he think he was to treat the king this way?

Before Omori could throw another retort, possibly along with a knife, a smirk stretched across the shadow's face. He stuck a book out to Omori.

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