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The dark outline of an ominous and dreadful structure loomed over the twisting trees. Its towering spires, shrouded in a cold fog, jabbed at Omori's own castle in a contest to be the most domineering abode of this world. Gigantic pink banners draped the walls with nauseating abundance. A vine-covered drawbridge closed off any possibility of entering the place by simply walking through the front door-anyone but the King of Headspace, that is.

It aggravated Omori to no end to see this place stand in mock competition to his own castle.

As they reached Sweetheart's Castle, Omori had a plan ready. They were going to carry this out efficiently and quickly. The sooner they completed the task of punishing Sweetheart, the sooner he could focus his attention and energy on the more significant and pressing issue at hand.

First, he'd have his friends clear the castle of headspace citizens so no one would bombard him with petitions and complaints over how their family members were buried under the castle's remains.

Next, while his friends evacuated the castle, he'd take a stroll through Sweetheart's belongings and find something worth taking. Preferably something important to her, something that had a special significance to her. So, that way, it would make it all the sweeter when Omori smashed it to smithereens in front of her.

Once all that was completed, he'll summon a million red hands to tear this ugly castle to oblivion.

Full-proof plan. They'd be in and out in no time.

"Aubrey, Kel, Hero." Omori turned to face them. "I need you to clear out everyone that lives in this castle. Ensure they all get a clear warning that this place will be torn down. If anyone still resists, leave them be and have the castle fall on their heads. It's not our liability."

"Yes, King Omori!" Aubrey chirped.

"Consider it done!" Kel added.

"You can count on us, my liege," Hero said, with a hint of uneasiness. Omori decided not to pursue him on that matter.

He smiled, pleased, as they ran to carry out the task. His friends were back to normal.

Maybe they got a little too cheeky sometimes with their back-talk and comments, but it wasn't anything a stern reprimand couldn't fix.

Once he destroyed Black Space and, along with it, Stranger, there wouldn't even be a need to reprimand their behavior anymore. They won't ever act out of line again without those viruses infecting their minds. And with the destruction of Black Space went the destruction of all obstacles and threats to his throne, as well as the dreamer's conscience.

He heard a heavy sigh behind him.

"When will you realize you can't get rid of your conscience?"

Omori spun around and, without missing a beat, swung his knife inches away from Stranger's face. "Silence!"

Darn! Did he really have to show up now?

Last time, he remembered shredding Stranger apart with a hurricane of red hands. Since the shadow boy had not immediately reappeared, Omori thought that he'd be relieved of Stranger's presence for a little while longer. But this... virus just refused to stay gone.

"Aw, don't be like that, Omori. You know you missed me." Stranger clasped his hands behind his back and leaned forward, looking up at Omori with half-lidded eyes.

Omori's stomach flipped with what surely had to be anger or some other negative emotion, and he stepped back.

Scowling, he pressed his knife against Stranger's throat, blade gleaning. "I'll show you how much I missed you with my knife."

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