Clean Up

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Basil prepared for Sunny to shove him off, probably feeling grossed out. He prepared for Sunny to ask what he was doing in a hiss. Maybe he'd get hit or slapped, shoved to the ground, stomped on. He held his breath, waiting for the worst.

The room remained silent save for a soft drizzle and a murmuring wind. Basil opened his eyes to find himself gazing back into two dark pupils that didn't even seem all that perturbed. Mildly curious at most. Maybe uncomfortable, too.

"I..." Basil's voice almost failed him. "Y-You grabbed me–in your sleep, I mean! Uhm- pulled me into your bed. I...ahaha...y-you have a strong grip. I couldn't get away..."

Basil began tugging himself free, face thoroughly burning. He slid down to the ground, feeling dust and dirt rub on his hands.

The air felt...odd now that Sunny was awake. Was it still because of yesterday? It must be because of Something. They could both see it. They both knew what it did.

They should talk about it, right? The tension in the air felt unbearable, and it was all Something's fault. Even if no one else but Sunny seemed to be able to see that enormous looming shadow, the tension meant that Something had to be there. It had to be behind everything.

"I..." Basil looked up back to Sunny. "Sunny?"

Sunny had flopped back down, eyes closed, his breathing starting to slow.

Basil stared, dumbfounded.

Is he trying to sleep? Again? Why is he always sleeping so much?

He's been asleep practically half the time we've been here.

Basil was alone."Sunny?" No response. Sunny's eyes didn't even flutter.

He's really going to...

Basil bit his lip. If Sunny fell asleep, would Basil be able to wake him up? Or would it be like last time, where no matter how hard he shook or called, Sunny wouldn't stir?

Like back then...where no matter how much Basil knocked, apologized, or pleaded, Sunny wouldn't open the door to him.

He's really going to leave me here again?

Basil didn't want to be left alone.

Why was Sunny even sleeping so much? Was it to get away from him? This was him trying to leave Basil, isn't it? He can't run away from here to his new home so he's trying to get away by sleeping.

You promised me that we'd make lots of new memories together.

Something pricked at his eyes; it was hot, angry, and bitter. It made Basil want to shake Sunny.

"Wake up, Sunny," he hissed. "You can't leave-" me alone here again. The rest of the words went unspoken, but Basil heard them.

Sunny startled, eyes flying open.

"I..." He hadn't meant to sound so angry.

"Sorry...I-I just..." Basil tried to smile, but it felt more like a grimace. The dirty metal floor chill crept up his skin.

Sunny hesitantly propped himself back up. His eyes searched Basil's but, at the same time, avoided making eye contact.

No, why had Basil done that? Sunny wasn't like that. He wasn't trying to leave Basil...on purpose. It was Something behind him, always creeping into their lives and trying to ruin what they had left. It was evil! It was the cause of everything wrong.

Sunny had saved Basil. When he'd felt the most hopeless, Sunny came in and saved him from death's grasp. That meant something, didn't it? That meant...Sunny cared, right? You wouldn't save someone you hated.

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