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chapter three: revenge and truce?

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chapter three: revenge and truce?

I TRY MY absolute best to get all the knots out of my hair as quickly as possible. I am most definitely in quite a hurry.

Sure, today has been a long day, but sufficient rest slipped my mind and it is instead filled with the zeal to get this revenge thing over and done with as soon as possible the very second I came across that Instagram post.

Not only did that idiot steal all my academic glory- he's out partying too.

Ugh, the very thought terrorises me from the inside out. The (now microscopic in size) rage from beneath my flesh attempts to crawl out, clawing at me with its razor-sharp talons the more I think about it.

But it's no worry. He'll be sorry for the rest of the year by the time I'm done with him.

I grab my wallet and other essentials including the materials I'll need, clambering down the stairs as quickly as humanly possible.

"Where the heck do you think you're going, dressed like that and at this time of the day?" Johnny asks.

"Well, I-"

"Yeah!" Jaemin added, seated on the couch in a tank top and shorts combo. He's indeed chewing annoyingly loud on some Doritos. "Aren't you too young to be doing stuff like this?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "If you just-"

"Don't attack her," I hear Jeno's voice save me just in time as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, proving exactly why he's my favourite brother. "Besides, I think she looks just fine."

"Exactly!" I exclaim proudly.

" Yeah, okay," Johnny says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "If you want to dress like a hobo, that's exactly what any other psychopath out there would think.

"Glad to know..." I mutter.

While Jeno continues to argue with Johnny and Jaemin, he slyly gives me a sign to say I could go.

Upon first stepping out of the electric sliding gate of my house, I debate taking a bus. Eventually, my mind comes up with a proper plan and I call a cab instead.

Within five minutes of me calling for it, a cab finally arrives with a large, sweaty and quite greasy balding man who repeatedly grunts,

"Be careful of m'leather seats, m'kay?"

The ride is silent and slow, only increasing my agitation with every passing second. Mr Cab driver here is lucky I'm not digging my fingernails into his fancy leather seats now.

I glance at my phone again to make sure I got the location right, my heart fluttering in my chest. This is about to be my very first solo prank without Ten, Fei Fei or any if not all of my brothers.

Liked by Feiii

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xoalsox party at my house right after? for the win, of course

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The grip on my cellular device tightens significantly. I might have even broken skin if not for the greasy ma- I mean nice cab driver.

"You're 'ere now, m'kay? Now you be careful of m'leather seats when yer coming out, m'kay?"

I hold back a scoff and a very rude eye-roll but remain polite by minding his 'm'leather seats'.

I slip him his money including a very accidental, very generous tip. I can tell by the way his whole face lights up and the big smile stretching his puffy cheeks.

"Thanks again, sir," I say.

He doesn't respond, instead speeding away as fast as he can, leaving me standing on the curb in the darkness. I pull my bright, pastel yellow knitted sweater closer to my body as I open Instagram one more time to make sure I got to the right place. In one other post that one can find after immediately swiping the location including the postcode is boldly typed out.

I turn around to find a reasonably spacious house booming with music, flashing LED lights and loads of teenagers both filling the house to the brim and littered around the very welcoming front lawn.

I put on my determination boots and slowly walk behind the house where I assume majority of the cars are parked, specifically the beautiful, red stallion he posted as well.

Big mistake Lee Taemin, big mistake.

I walk a like a little gremlin till I find exactly what I'm looking for. I admire it for a couple of minutes, taking in its beauty before I absolutely wreck it with my simple, humble house lock opener.

Raising my arm to the moonlight so that the shining metal shines even brighter, I start to get to work.

Now, I've never been an artist, but within a good ten to fifteen minutes of carving, I manage to get a memorable, motivational phrase. It's small, I doubt anyone could really notice it, but I believe it holds quite a lot of meaning.

On the corner near the handle reads, 'ACADEMICS WRECKER' (petty, I know) with a very pretty picture of a group of stickmen ganging up on one other stickman that looks eerily similar to the guy leaning on the hood of the car right now.

The guy leaning on the hood of the-

I let out a high-pitched scream that must have been brewing in the very depths of my trachea for weeks on end.

"Jeez, I didn't even get to speak." He scoffs. Then, he glances at my artwork and shakes his head. "Heck, I didn't even get to scream at that myself either."

I sigh, finally accepting defeat. I don't even rise to my feet. "How much do I need to pay for it?"

"Pay?" He laughs, a light, bubbly and, one might even say, feminine sound. "With cash? I doubt it. I'll be paying and it'll be revenge far worse than this."

"Hold on," I say, finally getting up. He towers over me, not by very much, but enough that I have to glance up a little.

That's when I notice the streaks of moonlight resting on the smooth, pale skin of his soft facial features.

"It's you!" I gasp. "The man from the cafe!"

Shock is also an evident expression on his face as he starts to back away, a false look of confusion on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh shut it," I say, disregarding his previous statement. "If anything, I saw you last night. No wonder. So you're the infamous 'Ghost' student?!"

"Leave me alone." He says a little loudly.

However, I ignore his request, launching myself on him. Because he turned his back on me, I end up piggybacking him. I'm still dressed like a hobo, so the thick material of my joggers is probably suffocating him but I can't care less right now.

"Get-Get off me you crazy-"

He yells and I yell throughout the entire scuffle, him turning around to try to get me off, only foolishly forgetting he'd make himself dizzy.

At long last, he ends up toppling over, leaving us in a circle of students. Even the music seems quieter and the four colours of the LED lights flashing and changing every millisecond isn't helping either.

"Well, at least that's over." I sigh, standing up and dusting my hands. "Truce?"

However, the darkening eyes staring right back at me with looks that could kill say otherwise.

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