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chapter four: ghost student

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chapter four: ghost student

IT'S THE FIRST day back to school since the half-term break post-examination season. Till this point, I've been at the edge of my seat awaiting the said 'revenge' the Ghost student has planned for me.

Of course, that night I could not tell my brothers what I did. Well, only Jeno since I trust him to keep his mouth shut which he did. But excluding that, his only advice to me then was to calm down and that Taemin was probably joking or just saying it in the heat of the moment.

The look of death he gave me then and the one he's giving me as we speak say otherwise. I believe it's time I start saying my last few prayers with the hopes that God will assist me.

Fei is currently telling me of the commotion at a party on the weekend, something to do with someone's car being keyed, and so far I've been fighting myself not to blurt out the truth, but with the anxiety filling me to the brim I no longer have a choice.

"It was me!"

"And, you know, I just can't get why someone would do-What did you just say?!"

"Shh, you're going to out me!" I whisper-shout. "Don't ever yell like that again, okay?"

She pries my hands off her mouth. "Whatever. You said you did what?"

"I did it, okay? I keyed his car. But it was just meant to be a joke, I swear!" I admit sheepishly. "I didn't mean to get caught, I promise."

She snickers. "The fact that you care more about getting caught rather than remorse for the act in itself says a lot about you, Areum."

I cross my arms over my chest in mock offence. I probably would have chewed her ear off with my words right after had the teacher not walked in. With that dreadful human called a student.

"Welcome back. I assume your little week or two times off provided you with enough rest?"

The whole class groans simultaneously.

"Regardless, I don't care. I'll give you work and you'll do it- the same vicious cycle I'm getting paid for-"

He glances at me and smiles sympathetically. "Anyway, I would like to reintroduce a former student of ours who has seemingly returned for good. Please, introduce yourself."

In the same, melodic voice that I claimed to be a song, he says, "Hello everyone, especially those who don't or may not already know me from the past. I am Lee Taemin. Please treat me well."

Murmuring voices and humming sounds that fill the room like a mesh of words overlapping one another are all things I block out as he saunters by me, only sparing me one sadistic glance that most definitely proves to me he most definitely didn't forget what I did that day.

I should be ashamed of myself. I am ashamed of myself. I know that for a fact because the same heat of shame slaps me in the face and I turn a bright red within seconds. My head is bowed but I still think anyone would be able to tell anyways with the way my ears are so hot and tender.

The rest of the lesson goes smoothly, but it's as if the hours were elongating themselves into days. And now that I think about it, I may just have brought this fate upon myself. In my defence, it felt like I could feel his eyes boring holes into the taut flesh of my exposed neck like a pair of heated lasers. So, with every sneaky bone in my body, I used a method to watch him. I 'stretch', front, side to side and finally backwards. Indeed, I am proven right.

Like the sadistic little rat he is, he tilts his head with mock concern and mouths:

'Want to fail once again?'

Almost as if he knew it would get a reaction out of me, which I'm sure he did, he lets out a silent scoff as soon as I shoot him a death glare.

"Miss Lee! Considering the outcome of last semester, I'd suggest your maximum attention here please!"

Great. Now, I'm furious.

The lesson felt painfully long after that. I sat through the rest of it gloomily and thankfully, I no longer felt like a fire was about to start on my neck.

However, much to my surprise and for the first time, the teacher asks both of us to stay behind.

"Areum, I'll cut right to the chase. I worry about your academic progress. I mean, last term wasn't terrible, but even your concentration in today's lesson-"

"He was staring at me!" I can't help but exclaim.

He only spares Taemin a single glance before returning to me. "I worry for you. That's why I have decided that you have Taemin mentor you a little."

"Mentor me? Me?!"

I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. Taemin probably hates me even more now, which is a win and a lose depending on whether you asked my head or my heart, and my teacher can probably see me as the academic snob I am.

"No need to get rude, Miss Lee. I'd never expect such a thing from you."

"Sorry, sir."

"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to him."

Reluctantly, I turn to him with a fake smile more sickly-sweet than a jar of honey.

"I'm sorry, Taemin."

Looking at me with mock humility, he places a hand on his chest and another on my shoulder, patting it. "It's really no trouble. I think I can understand your pain."

Internally refusing to jeopardise my perfect report, I let it happen. Little known to him, I'll make sure he's guillotined by Jeno if he ever touches me with those sweaty palms again.

"Back to what I was saying," My teacher resumes, clearing his throat. "Taemin is now permitted to mentor (and tutor if necessary) you. This will only last till the next, upcoming exams which are...1,2...5 weeks away from now. If you are able to achieve either the same grades you had before if not better, you are free to never interact with each other ever again. Understood?"

I gulp. "Yes, sir."

"And you Mr Lee?"

He's more hesitant than I, even glancing sideways before answering, "Yes, sir."

"Good." My teacher smiles falsely for a very brief moment. "Now get the heck out of my classroom!"

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