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chapter fifteen: seeking permission

THE PROBLEM WITH disassociating (not by choice) is that you never really know whether you're actually present, or if you're just dreaming/imagining things.

These are my exact thoughts as I gulp down more of my malted Guiness. Thankfully not alcoholic, or we'd have more problems than usual.

Small tears line my bottom lids due to the burning sensation I feel just seconds later. The vineyard worker wearing (or used to be wearing) Rapunzel's wig is striding toward me and unfortunately, Ten is now nowhere to be seen.

So, I do what sober me would have done. Make a run for it.

I clumsily dash down the hallways, quickly muttering an apology to the couples I nearly bump into during their cuddling sesh.

Eventually, I reach a fire escape exit door, and slide to the floor, leaning against it to catch my breath.

All I do was close my eyes for two seconds. Two seconds.

So, someone tell me why and how Taemin has already caught up.

"I should congratulate you," he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Two whole months."

"I'd do more," I respond. It's more of a bite back with a lot more distaste than I intended for him to notice.

I'll be honest with myself- I am being petty and immature. But I really can't help it. I had, maybe still have (I hope not) feelings for him and my encounter with his girlfriend was a bit enough wake-up call that those feelings shouldn't even be present. So, I did the mature thing which was to get as far away from him as possible. It was the time we spent together in such proximity that helped the development of those rose-tinted glasses.

Even now he stares down at me, plump lips pursed, increasing my heartbeat by a dozen and more.

I have Ten, don't I? So, why can't these stupid thoughts leave me alone? They nag at me, biting at any attempt to push or force them out.

He hums, surprised, but it doesn't last too long as he sits next to me.

"I came to apologise."

Those very words surprise me, but I try not to let it show. How would he know the real reason? I haven't made it that obvious, have I?

"What for?" I ask, my head lazily facing him as I take a sip from the Guinness bottle I stuffed down my dress while making me escape.

I offer it to him, and to my surprise, he takes it.

"I don't even know." I frown at that. "But it kept you away from my lessons for two months straight, so I must've done something really bad. You tell me."

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