Camilo, Mi gemelo

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I have no idea how to trigger warning, but it mentions being drunk? no one was, but like yall know that scene were Abuela was all like "Don't worry, she's probably just drunk"? SO i made Mirabel go all like "Nu uh. I'm more responsible."

"Dolores!" Mirabel called out running up to Camilo

"Heyyy! You know, out of all my older cousins, You're like my favorite cousin, so I feel like I can talk to you about anything, ergo you can talk to me about anything" 

Camilo slowed down his food piling to stare at her. Mirabel looked left and right and continued

"Like the problem with the magic last night, that no one seemed to worry about, but maybe you've heard about that maybe I should know about"

Now Camilo was hooked. He's been wondering what her spectacle yesterday was about anyway. But of course, his father poked his head out of the doorway, ruining his cover.

Casita hit him with the windows a couple times, but hey! At least Camilo could save his arepa tower!

Escaping casita's range, he walked to the table, waiting for Lola and Mira to finish their conversation (He learned early on listening in on anything concerning those two was a death wish)

Mirabel walked over to the table, obviously aiming for the spot next to Luisa, but Camilo's Mami had sat down there before she could reach the spot. Camilo patted the seat next to him, and she sat down absentmindedly, seemingly huffy.

While Abuela recited their daily chores, Mirabel kept her eyes trained on Luisa, who didn't notice a thing, but it only served to make Camilo even more curious. 

"And Isabela will come with me to town. Camilo, you're on babysitting duty"

Camilo internally winced. (Here we go again)

Camilo waited until she paused for breath before asking "Can I take Mirabel with me?"

The girl in question tore her gaze away from her sister, and she let out a confused "Huh?"

Camilo turned to his Abuela who was apparently thinking about his idea.

"Alright" She seemed hesitant, but still, let them pass.

A couple morning announcements and a chorus of "La Familia Madrigal!" Later, Camilo and Mirabel were free to walk their way into town. As soon as they got away from the breakfast table, Mirabel started shooting rapid-fire questions at him

"What was that? You could have at least given me some warning? What did you want from me anyway? I mean, you're babysitting, I'm not exactly the best with kids."

After Mira stopped spewing questions(Oh Dios how had he missed this) he gave her his signature smirk

"First off, you're amazing with kids. You practically raised Tonito on your own. Also, I needed to shake stuff up. La Casita Madrigal was getting pretty boring"

Mirabel huffed

"Certainly wasn't boring yesterday" She murmured.

Camilo stayed quiet. He knew what she meant, and saying anything would only make it worse.

Eventually, after wandering for less than 2 minutes. A mother of 2 twins, Acacia and Angie, walked up to them, asking Camilo to babysit her daughters. He smiled and nodded(Keep up the masquerade, they can't know, She can't know) scooping up the 2 of them in his arms and walking back to their house. Shuffling the babies in his arms, he grabbed the keychain around his neck, under his ruana. Unlocking the front door, he maneuvered his way to the babys' room, completely forgetting his prima was right behind him. Setting the 2 children in their cribs, he jumped when he heard his cousin's voice

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