Papa Bruno Pt 3

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Luisa wasn't supposed to find out, apparently. She was supposed to live her life in the ever-gossiping town, while no one paid any mind to her, and not hear all the rumors surrounding her parents.

Well, turns out Luisa sucked at doing what she was supposed to do, because within 6 years of having her gift, she found out.

It was definitely not ideal, finding out that way. She had far too many mental breakdowns over it. In her defense, she wasn't expecting Bruno to be her dad. No one should expect that their uncle is actually their father!

But no matter what she wanted to happen, Luisa had to deal with the fact things happened this way. She found out while aimlessly wandering, trying to find those danged donkeys, from Senor Ricardo himself, that her father was actually her uncle.

It was a normal day. She'd been collecting donkeys. She'd overheard something she wished she could forget because the emotional turmoil that came with the knowledge was too much.

Tio Bruno is your dad. Isa and Mirabel weren't actually her sisters. Did she have any siblings? Her parents hadn't told her. Dolores hadn't told her. Abuela never told her. No one told her. The town hadn't told her. Tio Bruno is your dad!

Mental breakdowns 1-9, in their respective orders.

Well, now here he was, her father of an uncle, right. In. Front. Of. Her.

Needless to day, she had mental breakdown number 10 that day.

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