They Call Me Wild Child

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TW; Mirabel is seriously unstable

All rights to their respective owners

Ya homegrown rebel spin 'em 'round, 'round, 'round

Well, there were better ways to exist, but what she got ain't half bad. Tiptoeing around her oldest cousin wasn't too bad, especially if it meant she got hit with the adrenaline that came with her fun

Late-night trouble goin' down, down, down

Of course, that was her view before she practically forced her cousin to come save her from being thrown into a fire by the townspeople, over a harmless joke! So what if Senora Flores had a heart attack! Nothing an arepa couldn't heal!

Hit that switch, make it hotter

Mirabel, of course, being the problematic mentally unstable twelve-year-old she was, wanted more. The fire was majestic and unavoidable. It danced dangerously, threatening to swallow her up whole, and she wanted it to.

They call me wild child

She could hear their chanting, praying that she wouldn't punish them for this in the afterlife. They were that scared of her. They still attempted to drown her in the dancing flames, though. So not really that helpful. But the murmurs of God save us from this Wild Child, God forgive us for our sins, God protect us from the Wild Child.

So what you heard 'bout me?

Dolores had showed up. Threatened them with their secrets, and if that didn't work, with the Madrigal Reputation, trademarked and everything. They walked quietly until they got away from the crowd of bewildered and terrified townspeople behind them. Dolores dragged her into an alley.

"Ooh! Getting kidnapped by my own cousin! That's exciting!" Mirabel said, perking up

"Mirabel!"Dolores hissed "What the hell was that? I know you have issues, but that was way too far! You gave that lady a heart attack, I don't think you understand how serious that is"

"Nothing an arepa can't heal," Mirabel said, boredly

"MIRABEL!" It took a lot to get Dolores to shout, due to her sensitive ears. Mirabel looked up from her black and red nails with mild interest


Dangerous, wild child

Dolores screamed. She lectured. She ranted, and shouted, and yelled and tried to reach Mirabel in any way, because there has to be someone in there, but Mirabel never seemed phased.

"So what'd you hear about me?"

It was such a random, unrelated question it made Dolores pause. After a moment, she spluttered out a "What?"

"Y'know, I'm pretty famous among the townspeople. What do they say about me"

I know you heard about me

"I-I don't" Dolores stuttered

"Come on, Dolores. We both know this. The town gossips. What do they say about me? I mean, I'm kinda their worst nightmare," Mirabel finally looked into her eyes, a deadpan expression on her face.

"That isn't relevant. As I was sayi-"

"Dolores, it is very relevant. I'm curious, and I wanna know" Mirabel cut her off


'Oh my god, I heard Mirabel was on a spree the other day!'

'Don't day its name, It'll hear you!''

Wait, it can do that?'

'We don't really know that, but would you put it past it to be able to do that?'

'I suppose you're right'

They call me wild child

So what you heard 'bout me?

Dangerous, wild child

I know you heard about me

"Mirabel, it's awful-" Dolores started, before being cut off again

"Ooh! I love awful!"

Dolores took a look at the child in front of her. She knew why it happened, she knew she couldn't do anything, she knew her family would probably think she snapped. She didn't know how to fix anything anymore.

She didn't even have to reply, because Mirabel started talking.

"You know, I'm kind of bored" The tween mused "Let's start a riot"

Dolores fell backward. A what?

Those Percy Jackson playlists are so controversial it's funny.

Also, at first i thought it went like 'they all me war child'

All rights to their respective owners, again, for the song and characters.

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