The Madrigal Gang

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What if the skies were allowed to be blue?

I might be able to be blue too

What if the children stopped yelling at the rainclouds to leave

Could the skies be more than just sunny?

What if the farmers didn't need rain on time

I would laugh and cry in the weather

Why must we force the skies to our whim?

There's a reason Dolores fell in love with Mariano and his poetry. She, more than anyone, knew how eloquent words could be. After all, she heard them all.

There's also a reason Dolores was in her room all day. She had to write out everyone's sorrows for them, as she couldn't talk about it, for fear of her Abuela, and couldn't ignore it, because overheard conversations and confessions would prowl about her mind until she couldn't stand to let other's thoughts act as ping-pong balls inside her brain and let her body expel people's secrets. Writing was an amazing compromise. It kept her from telling someone and kept her from exploding. Of course, that left her with an insane amount of notebook intake, a chest full of others' journals. And she couldn't throw them away, for fear of forgetting something vital at the wrong time. And so Dolores was forced to keep an entire village's personal archives.

At the ripe age of fourteen years old, Camilo had attempted to find pranking material on one of the townspeople (Dolores couldn't remember, maybe she should check her archives-)  and saw the rumors and fights the townspeople had spread. Dolores had rushed home as soon as she heard her brother open her chest, leaving Senora Maria confused. She'd found Camilo buried among the journals. He'd jolted as soon as she opened the door, although she could see why. She'd slammed the door open, the handle hitting the wall harshly. In that moment, he'd looked up at her and whispered five words that made her realize just how his gift could force other's troubles onto him

"You can see it too" 

She'd rushed to close her door, before picking up her journals and placing them into the familiar stacks that she'd memorized oh-so-well. Senorita Rosa, Senor Oscar , Senora Maria...

While she reorganized her archives, she asked what he meant.

Her brother explained what she hadn't even realized was happening. 

He'd shift into one of the Senoras to babysit their children( A fact that annoyed Dolores enough without what came next) and...

Well, the Encanto was a lot less innocent than it seemed. Secret affairs, relationship issues, hidden bars, and fights between drunk townspeople, and Dolores knew she couldn't do a thing about it. They'd deny it, and Alma would believe them. Over her own granddaughter.

But Camilo knew more than she gave him credit for when he suggested blackmailing. At first, Dolores was opposed to the idea. She judged people based on their ethics, after all. 

But slowly, the idea wormed her way into her brain. And with Camilo's encouragement, she grew to quite like the plan, actually. After a couple days, Dolores finally gave into the appealing plan.

Camilo and Dolores. One could hear you, the other could be you.

The perfect dream team to control an entire village through fear and intimidation. And they found their way into the shadier side of the Encanto. After a few weeks, however, they'd found out about Mirabel's reputation among the villagers.

The 14-year-old had been participating in fighting tournaments since she was 9. Dolores had absolutely no idea how she'd missed stuff like this. She supposed it was her negligence of the things she wanted to disappear from her thoughts and stay away from the archives. Things that she thought were too scary to be documented. Whatever it was, Mirabel had been known as the mariposa de alas afiladas ever since her first fight, when she beat a man 4 times her height and size with nothing but a well-placed kick. Camilo and Dolores had immediately sought her out, and she was quite willing to cooperate. 

"You'd be surprised what the town will say in front of you when you're the giftless Madrigal" Was what their cousin told them when the eyes-and-disguise team questioned her readiness to join their team.

Soon enough, things began to fall in place. Dolores found herself knocking on everyone's doorway, with the help of Camilo on the other side of town. Mirabel would continue on her fighting path while Dolores and Camilo disguised as her waltzed from villager to villager and told them that unless they agreed to their terms, they would spill their secrets. The village wasn't dumb, however, and soon enough they all realized what the Madrigal trio was doing, and decided to make a truce. They agreed to the terms, and Dolores and Camilo became the leaders of the underbelly of the Encanto.

But what were the terms? Well, Dolores, Camilo, and Mirabel had decided that the villagers would have to listen to every whim of theirs. And they'd started with forcing the village to stop overworking Luisa. Senorita Rosa decided to tell her darling Luisa to pick up a pot even a toddler could have lifted? The next day, the town heard about her affair with Senor Oscar, despite Oscar being married. 

Meanwhile, Mirabel finished sowing Dolores and Camilo fighting clothes to be worn underneath their normal outfits, like her shimmery dark green leggings and shimmery purple tank top, decorated with her signature butterflies. Dolores got her navy blue and red outfit, and Camilo got his dark red shorts and a dark orange muscle shirt.

Mirabel became Dolores and Camilo's personal fighting instructor. She taught them her personal tricks and had them create their own. Before they knew it, they all had their fighting styles, and the town was getting bored of their mind games.

And so they resorted to physical intimidation. Mirabel was still the town's best fighter, and they pulled out the card up their sleeve. The town was pressed back down from rebellion. Camilo and Dolores made their way into the fighting tournaments Mirabel had been participating in this whole time, and soon got a reputation slightly less frightening than their prima's.

Bit by bit, they got the village to quit their Madrigal-reliant behavior.

And to think all it took was Dolores using a few threats.

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