Young troublemaker? I think not!

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At first, Camilo thought Antonio would take after him. A young troublemaker. 

Everyone else seemed to think that too. Camilo's mama would tease him about how her little Tonito was turning out just like him, and how he'd probably end up being another trouble maker to finally turn her hair grey, just like Julieta's. Felix would laugh about how Camilo, at that age, was inseparable from Mirabel, saying how the only difference was how Camilo had a twin right at his side. Julieta would laugh and give Pepa her condolences on her sanity, and Agustin would simply offer genuine help, which made Julieta and Felix laugh all the more.

Camilo would smirk, say something about a partner in crime, laugh with the sisters and their husbands, and at some point make his exit. Every time, he would seemingly aimlessly travel to his room, before breaking into a frenzy, trying to find a way to save his sweet, innocent 2-year-old brother from his troubles.

Well, problem is, Camilo accidentally focused too much on finding a strategy, changing it every time he realized something, rewriting his plan, and changing it with the now gapingly obvious variable, to truly implement any of his ideas.

Sticking Mirabel with raising Antonio, all alone.

By the time he'd realized, it was too late. Tonito was 3 years old and practically attached at the hip to Mirabel. Camilo tried to connect with his brother, but every time Antonio would copy his behavior, causing Camilo to panic and distance himself again. It was a cycle, one he couldn't find a way to break.

Mirabel seemingly chalked it up to Camio being swamped with duties and didn't take it personally. Camilo was actually one of the few family members Mirabel defended to Antonio, while her little boy grew up. 

So when the boy turned 4, and Camilo realized his brother was more of the quiet type, he thanked the gods above. Because if he didn't turn out like him, Camilo could spend time with him.

But he still tiptoed. One could say it was the effect of trying to act normal in front of one's brother for 4 years. One could say it was a precaution. One could even say it was habit. No matter what it was, it was also inadvertently the reason Antonio didn't really consider Camilo's prank stories to be true. I mean, his brother was just as calm as Mira! How would he pull off those giant pranks?

Why did i even-



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