Warm Colors

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Okay, backstory time. Mirabel has been unofficially adopted by Pepa, who took over the job of raising all the kids. She's currently 7 years old, and yes, she does know how to sew, Pepa taught her.

Warm colors were the best

Mirabel didn't know why she didn't notice it before. Orange and yellow and red were all so...


There was no other way to describe it. Yellow was the bouncy energy she felt with Cami, Red was the hot-chocolate-with-a-teaspoon-of-cinnamon nights she had with Lola, orange was the picnics under the warm sun, the drizzling rain, the soggy sandwiches that still tasted great because they were made by her Tia.

But cool colors were cold.

So she took to wearing warm colors.

And tia Pepa loved every second of it.


Mirabel smiled sleepily at the walls. It was one in the morning, and she was exhausted, but the new shorter skirt was worth the 3 nights of sowing.

It wasn't anything fancy. It was the same skirt as her old one, only it was a couple inches above her ankles, orange with an underlayer of red, and a layer of yellow shoulder ruffle's to replace her cream butterfly ones.

Oh! And she had started fresh with the embroidery. She'd been meaning to do that for a few months now anyway. It was ready for embroidery, but she'd already decided on the shoulder ruffle pattern, and it wouldn't take her that long...

Mirabel turned back to her sowing machine. Pulling out a red thread and a bobbin, she began to rethread her machine.


It was ten in the morning, and Pepa was worried. Her little Mira had promised to be ready by ten-thirty, and Pepa had had enough picnics with her sobrina to know Mirabel always got ready an hour before the appointed time.

Finally, when Pepa was just about ready to break down Mirabel's door, Her niece stepped through the doorway in an orange dress.

Pepa did a double-take. Back when they were 10, Pepa's mother had told her children that the reason they all dressed in different colors was because mama had been expecting them to all look identical, so before they were born, she picked out color schemes for each of them. Obviously, that wasn't needed, because they were in fact, not identical, but the colors stuck and before they knew it, all their kids had the same color schemes too.

So seeing Mira in a bright orange dress was startling.

"Do you like it?" Mirabel asked sleepily.

"I- Of course!" Pepa gushed "Did you make it by yourself? It's beautiful!"

Mirabel nodded slowly. Pepa noticed her dark eyebags.( Oh look, another thing Bruno did clear skies, Pepa)

"Did you stay up trying to make it?"


Pepa laughed

"You never do stop, do you."

"Nope" Mirabel replied, popping the p (clear skies Pepa, it is not something Bruno would do, clear skies)

While Pepa examined the new dress, asking all sorts of questions to Mira who answered all of them giddily, She noticed that her sobrina had neglected to add something of hers.

"Why isn't there a symbol for you," She asked after panting from all the questions she had spewed

"Huh?" Mirabel seemed genuinely confused

"you know, why don't you have some sort of a symbol? It's your dress after all"

Mirabel said nothing, only looking down at her shoes.

Pepa grabbed one of her arms and dragged Mira back to her room

"Go on, change. I'll embroider this part for you"

Mirabel looked at her aunt with a confused look but did as she was told, changing out of her new dress and into her old one and Pepa her new one.

After 2 hours of Mirabel taking a nap and Pepa finishing the embroidery, Pepa stood up with a victorious shout, startling her little Mira awake.

"What?" Asked the brunette sleepily

"Here's your dress. Now go change! Seguir, Seguir!" Pepa exclaimed. Mirabel stumbled to the bathroom, emerging through the doorway a couple minutes later, in her new dress. Pepa squealed, and about twenty rainbows popped up in the sky. (Ask any villager at the time, and they'd tell you that you probably had a better idea of what was going on than them)

Both Pepa and her sobrina heard their names being called for lunch. Walking down the stairs, hand in hand, they found Dolores making her way to them.

"Mira, chiqa, I love you, but I've got to fix that hair"

Dolores left both Pepa and Mirabel standing there with no context whatsoever. The woman and her favorite sobrina (although don't tell Luisa that, she would probably take it personally) shook it off and went to go eat. 

Julieta smiled at her daughter bonding with her aunt( and how it was over colors of all things). Abuela frowned at Mirabel's drastic change(although she convinced herself it was just a color. It wasn't anything special). Isabela frowned(although inside she felt happy for her sister. She got her lucky break, unlike Isabela who would be stuck with pink for the rest of her life). Camilo laughed with his melliza about her new outfit. Luisa was confused (and a tad bit betrayed) but she let it be. Agustin was happy because Mirabel was happy. Felix felt like he missed something because when the heck did his sobrina wear warm colors. Bruno( still hidden in the walls) wondered if his niece would someday don his colors, even if for just a bit (and immediately shook the thought away. How selfish of him?)

No one commented much on it (Although Dolores finally gave some clarification on her comment from earlier, and Camilo volunteered his favorite shampoo that made his hair a bit curlier, claiming if he really liked it, she was certain to like it as well, saying 'we are twins after all' )

After a pleasant lunch, Camilo, Dolores, and Mirabel gathered in the bathroom. Dolores sent the two into the shower, and Camilo 'taught' Mirabel how to shampoo her hair correctly, a lesson that consisted of the two throwing shampoo globs at each other ( the foam fight had come to a screeching halt when both got soap in their eyes and had to go rinse them and convince Dolores to go steal them an arepa )

After the two finished, Dolores gave them both a towel and shooed Camilo away. She pulled out an extensive amount of hair products, practically drowning the bathroom counter. She conversed with Mirabel about how she wanted her hair down, both of them settling for two afro puffs at the sides of her head. An extreme amount of hairspray later, Dolores was satisfied, and the two girls left to go find Pepa, giggling all the way down the halls of casita

They found her in the living room. The weather woman flopped back onto the couch

"Oh no! She's too beautiful! Heeeeeelp!" she exclaimed, leaving Dolores and Mirabel in a fit of laughter

Felix strolled into the living room, smiling at his family laughing and joking around with each other. he wished they could all be here, but half would have to do. 

soon enough, Felix joined in the camaraderie. The five of them were having so much fun, that they'd forgotten about their constant worries, even if just for a few moments. It was amazing.

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