Papa Bruno Pt 2

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Dolores knew things she knew no one else knew. She knew things about people that she didn't think she knew. She knew things people barely knew themselves. She knew too much.

Like how her mother wasn't her mom. Her dad wasn't her dad.

Her mom was dead from birth complications. Her father was a man hiding in the walls of their oh-so-perfect casita.

The secrets that had gone down here couldn't be washed out, no matter how hard they tried.

Dolores supposed she should explain. It all started with that goddamn vision.

It started with Bruno's mutterings. That man scared her, if she was being honest. She understood, but the spike of anxiety...

Well, let's just say trying to keep your uncle from going insane in the walls required your uncle to have desperate conversations with you to not go crazy. And let's just say Dolores couldn't do it sober. Let's just say Dolores knew her uncle was her father. Let's say that Dolores was drunk, talking to her biological father, and decided to have an emotional discussion about the one thing she'd tried to avoid thinking about for years.

What happens then?

Well, turns out, a lot of crying. And anger. And happiness. And sadness. And a jumbled mush of too many emotions. It turns out, it causes multiple mental breakdowns and far too many things to process.

Who would have guessed?

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