Freckles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

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The first freckle popped up on her nose. At first, she'd thought it was a blackhead, but no matter how many times she ran her fingers over it, it still stayed as smooth as the rest of her skin. She'd been afraid. What would Abuela think? Would she tell her to cover it with makeup? Wouldn't that just make it worse? But the little dot eventually grew on her. In fact, Isabela quite liked it. Small, yet the underlying message was powerful. So she left it be.


The second freckle was near her eyebrow. This one was lighter than the nose freckle, and seemed more like her primo Cami's freckles, unlike the darker freckle. And while Isabela thought that her freckle placing could use some work( If her face was to have a few freckles, the least they could do was stay contained to her cheeks) but she overall didn't mind it. She struck up a habit of counting them, although the number never changed. 1, 2. It did soothe her, however, to know there were 2 marks of imperfection on her face, and no one hated her for it. Nothing even changed!


the third freckle popped up on her cheek. Underneath her eye, slightly offset from the center. this was one of her favorites because it wasn't her dark nose freckle, and it wasn't her eyebrow freckle(Stupid eyebrow freckle). It was kinda cute if she did say so herself. At this point, the freckles were becoming less of a statement, more a new part of her appearance, but they still were Isabela's tiny rebellion marks.


The fourth freckle wasn't anything special. It was another freckle on her cheek, although a bit closer to her ears now, and not underneath her eye, but it was still in the proximity of the center of her cheek, and she still counted it along with her other three. Abuela seemed to have noticed her nose freckle, although she didn't comment on it. She was still blind to the other 3, although Isabela was somewhat concerned that her grandmother might need glasses because she'd noticed her hand-eye coordination was slowly declining. 


The fifth freckle was also in her cheek, a bit lower than the other two check freckles, and in the relative center in distance. It also wasn't anything special, but by the way, Isabela was treating it, you really couldn't tell. Anyway, she continued counting them as her life depended upon it each morning, ingraining it into her morning routine.


The sixth freckle was the point where she realized all her freckles were on one side of her face. This one was between her ear freckle and her center freckle, although it was a bit more lined up with the top of her lip. However, she was tempted to makeup on freckles on the other side of her face, but it ended up in a disastrous secret Isabela will take to her grave, and force Dolores to keep as well. Either way, she was still obsessed a ridiculous amount with her freckles, and it was almost a subconscious part of her routine now.

she never got a 7th freckle, due to her stopping her walks with Abuela to pass out flowers, but Isabela still counted them in the mirror every morning. Old habits die hard, after all.

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