Interna Familia

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It started out simple; A pact between Isabela and Dolores, self-proclaimed mellizas, to protect Luisa from their stern grandmother. It escalated into a five-person family within a family dedicated to protecting their mariposa. And the story is one hell of a tale.

It all started on Dolores's 5th birthday. 

Isabela and Dolores were close, even before that, due to them being the only two children they grew up with. But after the ceremony, Julieta and Pepa had encouraged Isabela not-so-subtly to go talk to her melliza.

Well, they grew closer than ever. and within the first month after getting her gift, Dolores was already far too mature for her age. It got to the point where su familia thought Dolores was the eldest, accidentally throwing Dolores a party on Isabela's birthday when Isabela turned 9. The girls didn't tell anyone, and no one found out until years later when Agustin realized that the math didn't add up.

But back to the tale. Dolores acted more like the eldest than Isabela had. Luisa hadn't known, believing Dolores really was the eldest. What was she to expect? Isabela looked to Dolores for comfort, advice, literally anything.

Luisa grew too. She got her gift too. She grew bigger, physically, but also mentally. Just like Dolores. Just like Isabela. Just like her sisters(they were sisters. They were always sisters, would always be sisters, they're sisters) Luisa grew mentally. She learned things Isabela and Dolores had tried so hard to shelter her from. She learned anyway, only with the added spice of her thinking they were babying her. Luisa grew even more. She learned the way of the Encanto. Isabela and Dolores helped her, when things got rough. And boy did they get rough.

She'd overslept once, before she was so dedicated to overworking. Isabela had made sure she stayed asleep. She needed it, she'd thought. She did need it, in fact, but the town didn't realize that. The only thing that kept the townspeople in check was Isabela's reputation and Dolores's knowledge.

They don't talk about that day anymore.

Camilo was born, all too soon. They'd barely taken in Luisa to the 'pretending' club, and he was already next in line. 

He was happy, though, once he got his gift. Everything was fine!

They were too caught up in their relief to notice much else.

One day, three years after Camilo's ceremony, Isabela had broken down in her room. No one knew. Dolores didn't count, she knew everything. No one knew. All the complaining was done about Camilo. ('he's slacking off again, Pepa.' 'Mama, he's sick. He needs to get better''he's doing it all for attention, Mija. You can't give him the satisfaction.''Mama, Camilo loves his job, he wouldn't just pretend his way out of it')Things continued. Camilo noticed. He was far more perceptive than he seemed. He wiggled his way in, found out information. He wiggled out, and thought logic. It took him 2 months to figure it out. After his cover was blown, by a completely unpredictable accident(he was better than they'd thought. Far too good.) he fit right in.

Mirabel had never joined. The moment her door vanished, Dolores knew.

She couldn't see her family's true colors. She was far too young.

It didn't matter in the end. She learned, far too young indeed(although what did they have to go off of? Themselves?).

Antonio was saved from their way of life. He didn't need to pretend.

la Interna Familia were glad they saved him, but some part of them was always mad that Mirabel had to do this so young. That she had to fix them so young.

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