Back Story 7yo (1)

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My name is Raven Winters, but it's not the name I was given at birth. My dead name is Raven Haynes. That is what the love of my life knew me as.

From the time I was six years old to a few weeks after my 16th birthday I live next door to the Dixon family.

Yes it wasn't easy to live so close to constant yelling, cussing, and swearing but it was no different than my own house.

The only difference is my mother didn't die by accident. No my mother shot herself and purposefully left me alone with my abusive father.

For a year though we never talked or said anything to the other until I received one hell of a beating in the middle of winter.

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I just gotten back from school literally just walked through the front door when my father stormed into the hall.

"'Lil Bitch where have you been all day!?" he said slamming the back of his hand across my face.

I dropped my book bag and fell into the frontdoor from the hard impact.

"A-At s-sc-school Daddy." I stuttered out feeling the taste of blood in my mouth.

"That's a God damn lie! it's been snowin' all God damn day!" he yelled pulling me up by my hair.

I squeaked out in pain as tears filled my eyes.

"I-I s-swear Daddy! I-I was at school! They wouldn't let us go home till it got worse!" I cried out.

"Ya best quit lyin' girl!! There ain't ever school when it snows!!" he yelled out, ripping the coat off my back.

I knew what was coming as he dragged me into the living room after throwing my coat to the ground.

"I'm not lyin' Daddy!! I swear it! please Daddy!" I yell out trying not to get another beating.

Sadly, my pleases never work as he slams me over the wooden coffee table and grabs whatever he can in reach.

"DADDY PLEASE!! DON'T DO IT!!PLEASE!! DADDY!!" I scream out as I see it's a random piece of barbed wire that he found a while ago.

"SHUT UP YA 'LIL BITCH!" he yells as he rips the back of my T-shirt down so there nothing in the way.

"MAYBE THIS'LL TEACH YA NOT TA LIE!!" then he brings it down hard across my back.

I scream out as loud as my little seven year old lungs can alow. My voice cracking and breaking out in random spots while tears spill out of my eyes harder.

He brings the barbed wire down again but this time up higher causing it to wrap around the top of my shoulder and hitting my collar bone.

I scream out louder if it's even possible at this point.

"STOP DA- AHHHHHH!" I scream out again as he brings the wire across my back again.

"SHUT UP BITCH!" He yells as he brings it down again causing it to wrap around my side this time.

Over and over again twelve long and short slashes along my back, shoulders, and sides until a sudden crash in the kitchen stopped him from continuing.

"The hell is that!" he yells and storms off to see what it was.

As I lay there crying on the wooden coffee table. I see this boy about my age run to the window I'm faceing.

"Run out back! NOW!" He yells and takes off toward the back door of my house.

I quickly jump to my feet and take off running, but from the pain and burning in my body I stumble around and crash into things as I run.

"WHAT THE HELLS GOIN' ON!" my father yells from the kitchen, storming back towards the living room.

I pick up my pace and slam the back door open, stumbling to gain my balance but ultimately falling to the snow covered ground with a loud thud.

"Come on! Run!" the boy from earlier yells and grabs my arm draging me up towards the woods.

"Come on hurry up you two!" another boy, quit a bit older then us, yells as he runs over from the other side of the house where the crash sounded from.

He grabbed my other arm and the two boys basically drag me behind them deeper into the forest.

"YA BES' GET BACK HERE RAVEN HAYNES!" my father yelled from the back door but didn't care enough to follow us in the woods.

**awhile later**

We ran till I couldn't take it any longer. My arms slipped out of the two boys hold and I drop into the snow panting.

I was still crying from the pain and tried to get back up to keep running but I couldn't even move an inch.

The boys stopped when I fell but when I looked at them they had a look of absolute horror on there faces.

Twelve deep razor thin slashes across my whole back, shoulders, collar bone, and sides.

A slight blood trail from where I ran, my shirt torn off my back and soaking the blood coming from the horrible cuts.

"oh god..." the boy my age mumbled.

"Our ol' man never hurt us this bad..." the older boy said then slowly came over to pick me up.

Carefully he held me like a parent would there 4 year old but honestly right now I didn't care.

I gripped onto his shirt tightly and cried into his shoulder.

"Damn... yer shakin' like a leaf..." he said softly and kept going a bit further into the woods.

I jacket was gently draped over my exposed back. It hurt but not as bad as the falling snow around us. The warmth, exhaustion, and the loss of the adrenaline finally caught up to me.

After we walked further into the woods, I slowly fell unconscious in his hold; For once in my life I felt truely safe in someone's arms.


I don't know why because if anyone ever touched me I'd flinch away in seconds but I guess it was from where they saved me and helped me is why I felt safe enough to fall asleep in his arms.

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