B.S. Sweet 16 (6)

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This chapter is 100% not a trigger of any kind. So please enjoy it and maybe not cry lol.


We lay there for a good hour. Not sleeping just laying in silence.

My back pressed into Daryl chest as he holds me from behind.

Daryl playing with my hair that layed out over the pillow and his arm.

"I can't go back there Daryl." I say softly.

"Then move your stuff in here. And we can stay out at the camp till I turn 18. We can get jobs now so we can save up for two years the get an apartment tagether." He says softly.

"That be nice but. I need to get away from here. It's not safe being anywhere near him now." I say worried.

"We'll be ok. I won't let him touch ya again." Daryl.

"Ya don't get it Daryl." I look back at him, "he almost killed you earlier."

"I'm fine Rae." Daryl says wiping the tear that slipped from my eye.

"Let's run away together... Right now... And get away from both of them." I say with urgency.

"I can't... Ya know I can't leave without my brother... " He mumbles in my hair as he holds me closer.

"He's gone Daryl... He left...."

"I can't without him knowing where I am Rae... He's my family." He replies softly.

"Yeah your right.... Family comes first and I'd do anything to protect mine..." I whispered back turning my head back and resting my hand over my stomach.


Before the sun came up I snuck out of Daryl's arms and climbed in my room.

I pack two bags and grabbed my hunting stuff I hid from my father and took the money my mother left me, plus all my father had.

I left a note and the tests for Daryl and disappeared completely. With a heavy and broken heart.


Daryl's p.o.v

I shift awake and go to pull Rae closer to me feeling her warmth gone.

I open my eyes and see the spot beside me empty.

"Rae? Raven!?" I bolt up and look around.

'Where is she!?' I scream in my head swing my feet to the floor and stand up.

As I'm about to go next door to her house a note on my nightstand catches my attention.

I pick it up and start reading it.

My legs buckle under me when I read the first sentence and I collapse on my bed.

Dear Dar,

I'm sorry, but I had to leave. I couldn't chance being near him anyone because I'm not like I was before. If I were to stay then something precious inside me would die.

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