B.S. Sweet 16 (5)

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⚠⚠Safe but triggering chapter. ⚠⚠
I didn't realize that it'd be 3 parts so apologies there (or not lol)
But enjoy the rest
Thank you

This chapter has attempted rape so warnings will be placed when it's about to happen.


I was sore when I woke up. I won't lie about that, but I was happy.

Daryl kept apologing for it but I shut him up with a few kisses.

We never really did it again because we where to embarrassed but we where still happy.

Untill a month later. Then. Everything went down hill after a plus sign on a little white stick appeared.


I realized yesterday that I was late. Like three weeks late so I slipped two tests from the drug store after school.

Now here I am. Sitting on the bathroom floor head in my hands tears in my eyes waiting impatiently.

"This can't be happening... It was once. Once. Is it even possible for our first time.... Oh god what do I do if there positive." I mumble nervesly to myself.

I look down at my watch as a bead of sweet slips down my forehead.

6:45 p.m.

I stand up and grab the first test and hold it face down scared to look.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes slowly turning it over.

I open my eyes and freeze.

"No...." I mutter and grab the other one frantically and look at it.

I stumble backward and drop to the floor, tears sliding down my face.

Staring at the tests in utter disbelief.

Both tests holds two, plan as day, lines that mean....


"Oh god.... No...." I mumble as I cry quietly to myself.


I was 16 and pregnant. Living with my extremely violent and abusive father. A boyfriend who can only say I love you after six jars of moonshine.

I didn't know what to do until that night.


Later that night after hiding the test it the floor board with my hunting knives and bow and arrows.

I thought of what to do but I couldn't think of anything at the moment.

A bang from down stairs jolted me from my thoughts.

I look to my door with wide eyes as my father stomped up the stairs.

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