B.S. Sweet 16 (2)(18+)

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**Author's Note**

Heated scene ahead. If you don't want to read or need to wait till no one can accidentally see what your reading then skip this chapter and move to the next one.

Thank you and enjoy.


I slide my hand up his back slowly while dragging his shirt with it.

He slides his hand up to the middle of my back, where my bra would sit but I wasn't wearing one because we where drinking.

He growls out softly when he realized and releases my lips and goes to my neck.

I slide my leg up not knowing where it was until it rubs against his growing hard on.

His breath hitches and he groans out in slight pleasure.

That's when I realise just how sensitive it can be.

Slowly I move my hand off his back over his clothed dick and run my hand along it.

He shudders above me and groans out again.

"Please don't do that Raven..." He growls out into my ear making me shiver under him.

"Why? D-does it not feel good?" I ask shyly wondering if I messed up.

"No." He growls, "it feels good... I just don't want to..." He trails off, to embarrassed to say it.

"To what?" I ask not understanding what he meant.

"To... Ya know... Don't make me say it Rae..." He begs keeping his face hidden in my neck.

'Does he mean.... that?' I think, 'only one way to find out I guess.'

I put my hand back over his clothed hard on and rub along him again but not as softly.

He shudders again and groans my name, "Raven...." While pushing me harder into him.

From his reaction I could tell I was right as I move my hand back and forth along his length.

He shifts a little to hold himself up better, but keeps his face hidden in my neck.

He continues to groan in pleasure and moves his hips slightly not realizing he's doing it.

I keep going with my movements hearing his breathing pick up.

"Please Rae...." He begs in my ear, "stop.... God please stop.... I don't... Not... Yet...."

He growls, holding me even tighter.

"Are ya sure ya want me ta stop?" I ask in a whisper in his ear because it's where his head is.

He shudders again.

"No... I want to.... but with you..." He rasps out.

I slow my movements and move legs and whisper again, "then do me too."

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