B.S. Sweet 16 (3)(18+)

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**Author's Note**

Never mind there will be two parts to this. Sorry I didn't know it'd be this long and I had a weird ass panic attack when I realized it'll be two parts not one lol...

So same deal here. If you can't/won't to read please go to the next part. Thank you.


As I catch my breath I kiss him gently then lean his forehead on my.

"That was fuckin' amazing" I mumble softly

He chuckles and nod softly.

"Yeah it was." He grins and looks at me.

"Do ya want ta go all the way... Or wait till another time?" He asks softly staring into my eyes.

"It'll hurt right?" I ask softly staring into his eyes as well.

"From what I heard yeah.... But I've already lossened ya up a bit... So... Maybe not that bad..." He says a bit unsure but obviously still turned on.

To be honest I am to so with that mind set I nod.

"Ok. Let do it then." I say and smiles a bit.

His grin turns into a smile as he kisses me a bit roughly but I don't care at this point.

Once again we start off in a heated make-up session.

Tongues fighting to over take the other for the lead, but eventually I let him take the lead.

He slides his hands under my shirt and cups my surprisingly large breasts.

Even with his massive hands they overflow.

He squeezes them a bit roughly and I gasp out as I slide my hands under his shirt on his chest as well.

He picks my upper half up slightly and pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it off to the side of the blanket we're still on.

I grab his shirt and pull it off as well so I'm not the only one shirtless.

Daryl leans down and kisses along my neck to my collar bone.

Kissing and sucking on the rough scared skin while running his hands along my sides as if my skin was the softest in the world.

I smile softly and tiny moans escape my lips.

He continues his adventure down till he sucks my nipple into his mouth harshly.

A deeper moan crawls out of my throat as I raise my hips up.

"Dar!" I went to say softly but gasped out as he bit down on my nipple.

He chuckles softly and looks up.

"Yes Rae?" He asks with a loving smile.

"Enough foreplay ok." I say softly but urgency.

"Alright." He says and raises up grabbing my bottoms and pulls them off.

Both are soaked through with my slick sticky cum.

Daryl growls in pleasure seeing it and tosses them away to.

I close my legs feeling embarrassed now that I'm completely naked in front of him.

"Ya don't have ta be embarrassed baby. We've already done stuff." He chuckles softly.

"Yeah... But I've never been naked in front of ya..." I mumble.

"Baby your beautiful. Don't ever try to hide it." He says and grabs his bottoms.

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