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We drove town to town to see what was happening and to collect more supplies just in case.

Each small town we went to was completely empty of all people. Not even the dead ones.

A month later the radio stopped airing details of this "virus".

So to Atlanta we went. The highway leading to Atlanta was completely empty of vehicles.

But on the other side of the barrier leading out of Atlanta was jam packed with lines of broken down and or burned vehicles.

The buildings closest to the outer edge looked burned, as if they bombed the city and that's when I knew all refugee camps were gone, and the military had fallen.

"Momma... What are we going to do now?" Anna asked worriedly.

"Survive. We need to stay away from the cities. Head back to the towns we stopped at." I reply and start turning the truck around.

As I start to drive off again to leave the area Anna suddenly calls out.

"There's a car coming!" She points to the car.

I look over and see it flying towards us but starts slowing down as it gets closer.

"Stay in the truck." I swing my truck door open and pull my pistol from my hip.

I stand up on the foot rail, gun at the ready as the car slows to a stop.

An Asian guy around his early to mid 20's steps out of the car hands raised.

"I mean no harm!" He calls out in a shaky voice. "I'm just heading back to my group!"

"Group? The Atlanta refugee camp is still up?" I ask him with a bit of hope that it hasn't fallen yet.

"No. It was in the city. It's gone. The traffic was to long and wasn't moving for hours. A few of us took off when they started bombing the city and took up camp at the camp grounds by the quarry just outside the city." He answers quickly.

"So it really is gone..." I look back at Anna.

"So... What now?" She asks worriedly.

I sigh thinking to myself. 'We should stay away from the city. Or really any high populated areas.'

"Um.... Why don't you come back with me? My group is taking people in. We have food. Water. There's other kids too." He offers.

I look over at him with confusion.

"The world's gone to hell kid. People are letting their worst thoughts come to light. Killing and r*pe is the new norm. You can't trust strangers so easily anymore. Hell you couldn't even before the apocalypse." I state.

"W-we're not like that! There's a cop with us! He's a Kings County Sheriff! We would never do that!" He rushes out almost sounding offended.

I look at him closely and observe him.

"I'mma warn you now. My daughter is my top priority. If anything goes wrong I'll go to her first. If someone tries to hurt her. I'll kill them. With no hesitation." I say as I aim my gun towards his direction.

He quickly stiffens and slings his hands up in fear.

"O-of c-course! Anyone would do anything for their kids! I-I get that!" He shudders out quickly.

"Good." I smile softly quickly moving my aim over to his left and fire a round.

The guy jumps out of his skin and whips around hearing a thud behind him.

Just a few feet from him lays a re-dead walker with a bullet wound to the head.

He looks back at me wide eyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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