B.S. Sweet 16 (4)(18+)

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**Author's Note**

Once again I was wrong you know the drill next chapter.

Sorry... Lol


I look at him. And see the fear on his face.

"I'm ok. The barbed wire hurt a lot more." I chuckles softly.

He face still held some fear.

"Daryl I'm ok. I swear. I was just surprised by it. I'm ok. Really." I smile at him.

"But...." He mumbles.

"Your so cute when your worried Dar." I chuckles softly.

"Don't call me cute." He mumbles and kisses me, "are ya sure yer ok Rae?"

"Yes I'm ok." I say truthfully as my body relaxed under him already.

I place a hand on his cheek and kiss him deeply.

He returns the kiss and slides a hand under my back pushing me against him.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close to me.

Bodies flushed together and connected completely.

I wiggle my hips a little to see if it still hurts but the pains gone now.

"Is it ok..." He asks softly against my lips.

"Yeah." I nod softly and kiss him again.

He gently slides his hand up my back to hold my neck while his arm is still on my back.

His other one moves to my hip and holds it gently.

Slowly he pulls out some and pushes back in just to see if it'd hurt me.

A little pain lingered but nowhere near as bad as when he first pushed in.

He realized I was ok and starts to thrust slowly in and out of me.

I moan out softly and he groans a little while holding me tighter.

I move my hips wanting him to go faster and he does so.

Thrusting at a steady rhythm my moans of pleasure mix with his soft groans.

The electricity from before being a bit more intense, pulsating through my body.

He picks my hips off the ground and pulls his knees up and basically lays my ass on his lap to change the angle a bit.

And boy was it a good idea.

He thrusts in after the movement and feels like he hit a kind of raised area inside me.

I gasp out and jerk my body as he hit my inner sweet spot, sending a shock wave of pleasure through my stomach.

"You ok?" He asks a bit confused by my reaction.

"H-hit there... Again... Please" I whimper out a bit wanting to feel that shock wave of pleasure again.

A bit confused he hits that inner bundle of greatness again, but a little bit harsher and watches my reaction.

I jolt and moan out louder and my eye flutter a bit as my stomach tightens from the pleasure.

"I know what that is." He smirks and leans over me a bit more to get leverage on that spot.

He pulls back slowly then thrusts in harshly hitting the inner bundle hard.

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