B.S. Sweet 16 (1)(16+)

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May, 1, 2012

12:00 a.m.

The night of my sixteenth birthday we were in our little base camp with a couple jars of moonshine staring at our watches waiting quietly with big smiles till it turn 12 am.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAVEN!!" Daryl yells out excitedly.

I chuckle at him and shake my head.

"Calm down Daryl. It's not like I'm 18. Only 16." I chuckle out.

"So. Two more years and you will be. Besides it don't matter your 16 now. You are officially a young women." He says as he opens two jars handing me one.

"Daryl I became a young woman at 8 when my first visit from mother nature happened." I chuckle out knowing he'll either be confused or grossed out by that.

He grimaces and fake gags.

"Shut up Rae." He groans in disgust.

I laugh harder. "I'm sorry but I had to."

He shakes his head and takes a big swig from his jar.

"I don't wanna know when ya first started that." He grumbles.

"Sorry sorry." I chuckles taking a few big swings form my own jar as if it was water.

"You sure we got enough moonshine to get shitfaced tonight?" I ask.

"Maybe not shitfaced, sadly, but enough to get us drunk." He says looking at the crate of moonshine he slipped from his dad's brewing shed.

"Good. Cause my arms are burning from yesterday and the headache hasn't gone away yet." I mumble out thinking of the beating I got just 5 hours ago.

"I knew we should've just come straight here instead of waitin'." He says sadly.

"Nah. Dar it ain't yer fault alright. I knew we'd be up most the night and I wanted to take a nap." I said trying to stop him from blaming himself.

"Ya could've come ta my room fer that." He says.

"Dar. You got it too. It wouldn't've made a difference." I say and take his hand, "let's just go back to drinkin' ok? And stop this depressin' shit. We came here ta party right?" I grin and stand up going to the little radio we keep in camp.

Daryl smirks and stands up too, "best be the good station."

"Oh trust me it will be." I say and turn it on to our favorite station; turning it up as loud as it'd go.


With music blaring, a fire burning, and a case of moonshine; it was the best birthday I could ask for.

But later on that night. After the booze was gone and the batteries died in the radio.

Things calmed down into a peaceful, buzzing night. That thankfully was far from over.

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