B.S. 15yo (1)

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Highschool started for us finally but while Daryl started 9th grade I was skipped up to 10th.

My memory and intelligence has grow over the years. So at the end of 8th grade, my teachers wanted to test my intelligence.

They gave me some text books that 9th graders use and then tested me on all of the stuff I read.

I passed of course, the test was the 9th grade exams, so they bumped me up a grade.

Daryl was a bit sad that we wouldn't be in classes together but was still happy for me.

Highscool is kinda crazy. Merle is in 12th grade still cause he failed twice.

He isn't happy about it at all, but I don't blame him.

Merle hangs out with the bad crowd in school.

Me and Daryl just stay by ourselves.

The boys in school tried to get to me the first few weeks of school same with the girls for Daryl.

We laugh about it outside of school but during we act as each other's shield.

We got into a habit of holding each other's hand to make it seem like we where together.

Merle laughed when he saw it the first time and asked what the hell was going on between us.

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"The boys here won't leave me alone. It's annoying as hell!" I say with a little fire in my voice.

"And the girls are pissin' me off. Grabbin' my arms or shoulders and shit!" Daryl growls in annoyance.

"Well for one lil'bird your hot as hell. That's why them boys are try there damnedest to catch ya. And Daryl the girls are crazy for ya." Merle chuckles with a smirk.

"No way in hell!" We shout in unison.

"I can beat all their asses! Ain't happenin'!" I snap.

"Those girls wear way to much make-up! Look like a bunch of clowns and hores!" Daryl snaps too.

Merle laughs louder with tears in his eyes and holding his stomach.

"Ya'll two are too much alike! So what ya'll gonna date each other so ya won't get hit on no more!" Merle asks wiping the tears from his eyes.

We glance at each other having a none-verbal convention with each other then nod looking back at Merle.

"Yes!" We say in unison again as he drapes an arm over my shoulder and mine goes around his waist.

Merle's eyes widen as he sees the way we are and thinks, 'I'll be a monkeys ass. They look like they where made for each other!'

"Alright. Suit yerselves. It's y'all's lives not mine." Merle says and puts his hands up in mock-surrender.

We smile a little and I look to Daryl as the first bell rings.

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