The Start

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14 years after I left. My life changed dramatically.

I currently have my 14 year old daughter, Anna, who looks just like me but has her daddy's, Daryl, hair and crystal blue eye.

I have an amazingly great paying job making close to $25/h.

I have my dream house and decked out truck that me and Anna build from scratch ourselves.

I also decided to tattoo my whole body so my horrific scars aren't that noticeable but ultimately still there.

I never did get with anyone else because my heart still belongs to Daryl.

I've told Anna everything about her daddy and even have some picture of us and some with Merle that she loves seeing so much we hung them in the house.

Even tho we are happy I still feel empty without Daryl by my side.

But today something bad happened. The dead where coming back to life and eating people.

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I've been in the garage most the day getting ready for my final part to arrive.

"Hey mom?" Anna yells out behind me.

"Yes baby?" I ask wiping my hands on the oil rag I'm keep in my pants pocket.

"The parts here!" She exclaims happily.

"Awesome. Let's get this bad boy finished then!" I cheer with her.

I walk out to the delivery truck that drove over to the garage.

"Just need you to sign here, Ma'am." The delivery guy says.

I sign it real quick and go over to the big box.

"This one righ'." I ask putting my hands on it.

"Yup. Thats the one. Let me h... " He said but cut himself off seeing me left the heavy box myself.

"Thanks but I got it." I chuckle and walk back inside setting it down with a loud thud.

I pull my knife out and cut it open quickly, pulling the part out.

Anna and I work together, perfectly in sync putting the part on quickly.

"Alright that'll do it!" I exclaim seeing the delivery guy watching in shock.

I chuckle a little.

"Now I've seen some shit but never anybody, let alone a woman and a kid put that kinda part on in that short amount of time. It takes a whole team of mechanics hours to do that." He exclaims taking his hat off to me.

"Yeah well we've been waitin' a month for that damn part so we wanted ta get it done quickly." I say.

"Yup beside we build this thing from scratch." Anna adds on with pride.

"Hats off to you lady's. Y'all are the 'Mechanic Queens'" He chuckles bowing slightly.

I shake my head and pull the keys from my pocket.

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