B.S. 7yo (3)

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I continue to watch him as he finishes the second squirrel.

"I think I got it..." I mumble and he looks at me.

"You want to try?" He asks a little unsure as he glances at Merle.

"Ya can try if ya want. But have you ever held a knife before?" Merle asks.

I shake my head slightly.

"Ok. Before you even try it I need to tell ya. A knife isn't a toy. Ya need to be careful cause there sharp as hell. Ok." Merle said going to the tent and digs around in a bag.

"Ok" I say quickly sitting up a little straighter but wince from the movement.

Merle looks over quickly hearing me wince but I kept my face free of any kind of emotion.

He looks back and pulls out a small knife in a leather case out of the bag and walks over crouching in front of me.

"Ok. Take this but don't take it out yet ok. Just get use to the weight of it first." He says and holds it out.

I take it gently and surprised a little cause I thought it'd be a bit heavier.

"It's lighter then I thought it'd be..." I say softly and look over it.

The case is plan except for the 'MD' pressed into the leather.

"MD?" I ask softly.

"Stands for Merle Dixon, lil' bird." He says with a small smile.

"Oh. Ok."

"That there was my first knife. Got it when I was six. So it's perfect for your first skinnin'." He said.

I smile a little for the first time in a long while.

"Go head and take it out the case but don't touch the blade." He warns.

I unclip the case and slowly remove the blade from the case. It's easy to tell it's sharp.

"Woah." I mumble softly.

Merle and Daryl chuckle at my reaction.

They watch me closely as I admire the blade.

Gently I run my finger along the side the the blade, careful to stay away form the sharp edge.

"If ya touch the blades edge don't do it like ya just did, cause it'll slice yer finger open. Use your thumb and gently scrap it over the edge like this." He says and does it with his knife.

I nod and do like he did careful not to cut myself and as I thought it was very sharp.

"Yup. Now," He says and puts a squirrel in front of me, "go ahead but watch what ya do so ya don't cut yerself. Go slow, take yer time, and it's ok if ya mess up. Took Daryl ere' four squirrels till he could do it right."

"Shut up Merle! It took you ten." Daryl snapped back.

"Shut up Darlina!" He snapped back.

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