B.S. 15yo (2)

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Our first year in highshcool ended quickly.

Daryl had started 10th grade and I was bumped up again so I'm in 12th.

Merle finally graduated and than left for the military right after to get away from his father and seeing what my old man would do to me.

Daryl was hurt and felt betrayed by his brother for a while but soon understood why he did it.

Daryl and I have gotten even closer after Merle left. Even had our first kiss.

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Daryl has been down since Merle left a month ago, and it's breaking my heart.

'What can I do to help him...' I think to myself as I watch him lay on my bed eyes closed but not yet asleep.

I gently take his hand for some concept of comfort.

"Quit starin'" He mumbles softly eyes still closed.

"Sorry...." I mumble and close my eyes but open them again shortly after.

It's night out but the moon light gives enough light to see him.

Daryl's face scrunched up a little then he opens his eyes and looks into mine.

"What's wrong Rae?" He mumbles still having a hurt look in his eyes.

"Nothin'. I'm just thinkin'." I say staring into his deep crystal blue eyes.

"'Bout what?" He asks squeezing my hand softly.

"Nothin'" I say again and close my eyes.

Daryl moves closer and kisses my forehead.

My heart skips a beat and small tinges runs through my body.

"Tell me." He mumbles.

That feeling has happened a lot lately and I can't figure out what it is.

Then a conversation I overheard two girls in school replayed in my mind.

<<little flashback>>

"Whenever I see Troy my heart skips and my stomach does these flips. I don't understand it! What's wrong with me Casey? " The girl whines to her friend.

"Are you stupid! Your in love!" Casey beamed.

<<end flashback>>

'In love.... No way....' I think in my head. 'I can't love Daryl!'

My heart starts pounding in my chest and my stomach flips.

'Oh god.... I'm in love with Daryl!'

Daryl sits up worried see my expression change to something he's never seen before.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? Rae?" He asks a bit frantic.

I sit up and pull my knees to my chest curling myself in the corner my beds in.

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