Supply Run

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As we drive I turn to Anna who has a bit of a scared expression.

"We'll be ok baby. Reach in the back and strap yer gear on and grab my knives. Ok?" I say over to her.

She nods quickly and grabs her gear first, putting it around her waist quickly strapping it on while fastening the thigh strap for her gun.

Then she grabs the homemade leg contraption I made that has 22 slots for knives (throwing knives), two gun holsters with two hunting knife holsters beside them, pouches for ammo and a wet stone, and two machete holders.

She sets it down beside me then grabs my dual gun holster vest with added arm straps that can hold 4 more throwing knives on each arm and 2 short swords crossed on the back.

(Kinda what I had in mind but the pouches I forgot to add on lol)

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(Kinda what I had in mind but the pouches I forgot to add on lol)

I reach over and turn the radio on to see if there broadcasting anything about what's going on.

While it's playing I grab the equipment and slip it on clasping it in place around my waist and legs.

"World wide Emergency lockdowns have been established to try and contain the spread of this unknown virus. The military has advised everyone to remain indoors if you can't get to a safe zone. Do not venture outside and keep all widows and doors locked. If you see anyone who has been infected through bites or scratches please do not come into contact with them. Fevers are the start of the infection. The CDC is working on a cure and it is unknown for how long it will take. Please head to the closest safe zone in your area and may God watch over us all." The voice over the radio spoke.

"What do we do... Do we go to the safe zone?" Anna asked scared.

The broadcast continued, listing off safe zones for different areas.

"For now I think we should wait a bit. Everyone is headin' there now so we'd just be stuck outside for a long time with a bunch of strangers. First we should gather more supplies incase the safe zones are a bust." I say calmly so as not to worry Anna.

"Ok. Your right." She says softly.

"When am I ever wrong?" I joke.

Anna smiles and chuckles softly.

"Never." She manages to get out.

"Exactly!" I smile brightly and I think of our next move while flipping though stations.

"Grab the CD's. All the stations are playin' that annoying voice." I say a bit annoyed causing Anna to chuckle more and grab the case from the glove box.

After a while I pull over at a gas station that has a few people gathered inside.

"Grab the canisters and set them by the pump for me dear." I ask Anna with a smile.

"Sure thing. I'll keep my holster open incase one of those things show up." She says unclipping her gun.

"Good. Yell if anything happens ok. I'll come running. And hop in the bed so nothing can get you ok?" I ask again a little worried to leave her alone.

I mean she's still 14 after all. It's normal to worry no matter how old your baby gets right.

"Mom I'm not a baby anymore. Besides I had the best teacher in all of Georgia to teach me how to use a gun." She say with a proud look.

"You'll always be my baby no matter how old you get. And I know you can handle yourself but anything can happen." I say and kiss her forehead softly.

"I know and I'll be careful and observant. Promise." She says with a smile and hops out of the truck.

I climb out of the truck and enter the store grabbing two baskets as I head to the food aisle.

Grabbing as much canned stuff as I can then move 2 aisles down grabbing ibuprofen, Tylenol, BC and Goody Powders, gazes, cloth wraps, medical tape, and anything else that be useful.

I walk up to the check-out with the 2 full baskets and set them down with a sizable thud.

The cashier and other people at the front of the store, watching the little tv with the news on, turn towards me at the sudden sound.

"Miss Winters! You scared the livin' hell outta me hun." He says with a hand on his chest.

"Sorry 'bout that Mr. Cosnor, I'm in a bit of a hurry." I give a faint small then turn to grab a 48 case of water.

"I'm gonna get 3 of these cases of waters and come back in for them."

"Of course!" He says as I walk out to put the case I'm holding in the back of the truck.

"Anything strange baby?" I ask Anna as I toss the water in the bed.

"Nope nothin'." She replies back and climbs down out of the bed of the truck. "Tell Mr. Cosnor to turn the pump on. I'm gonna fill all the cans."

"Alright" I head back inside the store and ask the cashier to turn the pump on.

"Have you heard the news yet hun? Somethin' weird is happenin' in the big cities." Mr Cosnor asks.

"Yeah I heard and one of those things showed up on my land. It's insane! I shot the thing in the knee cap! If it was a normal person they would've dropped to the ground howlin' in pain and wouldn't be able to walk! That....thing wasn't even fazed! And kept coming towards me!"

"Are you serious! How'd you get away?!" One of the other guys, Mr Jackson exclaims perplexly.

"After a round to the knee cap did nothing I shot it in the chest, hit the heart dead on and it still kept comin' towards me!"

"Ain't no way! Nothin' can survive getting shot in the heart!" Mrs Thomson, another of the crowd at the tv, exclaims in horror.

"It did! I swear it did! Only a head shot worked. Shot 'em right between the eyes and it dropped like a bag of wet cement! Those things ain't human. Got unnatural strength to em too I bet! You all need to get back home and get the hell out of dogde before it gets to jammed on the highways." I say as I grab my bags to toss in the truck.

As I walk to the truck I hear them discuss what I told them and soon after the shuffling of feet as some immediately take off to go back home to there families.

I put the bags in the back seat of the truck and help Anna put the full gas cans back in the bed of the truck.

Mr Cosnor locks the door to the store quickly.

"I haven't paid for my stuff yet?" I say confused as I walk back to the store.

"Don't worry about that right now. I made a tab of what you got hun. I know you well enough to trust you. The money can wait till all this is over hun. Now go on and go. Keep little Anna safe and be careful." He says softly picking up one of the 2 cases of water he pushed outside.

"Thank you Mr Cosnor. I swear I'll pay you back when this is over." I say greatful and grab the last of case tossing it in the truck bad as he does the same with the one he grabbed.

"I know you will Hun. Now go on." He said his goodbye and took off to his vehicle speeding off.

"Let's go baby hop in!" I tell Anna as I get to my door, hop in, and take off after we buckle our seatbelts.


**Author Note**

Sorry I took so long to post a new chapter. I had moved twice and got a new job so I was a bit busy with life. Hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think of this chapter!

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