Fixing Everything

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Hey guys

Hope you all liked the last chapter


Will Troy and Gabriella finally clear all their misunderstandings?


Gabriella and Troy remain silent not knowing what to say to each other.

Troy clears his throat and says, "Umm... thanks again Gabriella for everything. I'm actually confused as to why you are here."

Gabriella replies, "You're welcome, Troy. I'm here because I wanted to make sure that you were okay. Why wouldn't I be here?"

Troy says, "Don't be mad but I kinda overheard you and Kelsi talking on Friday during half time. You said that you wanted nothing to do with me."

Gabriella replies, "You didn't hear the entire conversation, Troy. I was confused and Kelsi was helping me figure things out. Is this why you've been actively avoiding me today?"

Troy looks at her sheepishly and nods, so Gabriella continues, "I'm sorry about saying that. I was feeling conflicted until Kelsi made me realise how I really feel about you."

Troy asks, "How do you feel about me?"

Gabriella smiles and replies, "I love you, Troy Bolton. You are the most amazing person I know and if it's okay with you, then I'd like to be your girlfriend."

Troy smiles and says, "I love you too Gabriella Montez. I would like nothing more than to call you, my girlfriend."

Gabriella then leans forward and kisses Troy on the lips.

Troy says, "I guess we should thank Kelsi for helping us both."

Gabriella asks, "Speaking of Kelsi, why didn't you tell me she was your cousin?"

Troy replies, "I'm sure she told you why no one else knows. I was going to tell you, but the team ambushed me and then we weren't really talking to each other."

Gabriella says, "I'm sorry we didn't talk before. By the way, Kelsi told me that she asked Miss Darbus to give the lead roles to Sharpay and Ryan. We weren't talking and Kelsi wasn't sure if we would do the musical after that."

Troy replies, "Well considering the fact that we weren't even on speaking terms back then, I'm kinda glad she did because I doubt, I would have been able to say anything to Miss Darbus. Besides this was only the Winter Musical. We'll audition again for the Spring Musical."

Gabriella laughs and says, "You really enjoy singing, don't you?"

Troy cheekily replies, "Only with my beautiful girlfriend"

Gabriella playfully smacks his shoulder and says, "I'm telling your parents and Kelsi to come back inside."

With that Gabriella goes outside and asks Troy's parents and Kelsi to come back in.

Kelsi comes in looking all excited and says, "Please tell me you both are dating now. I can't take another day of down and depressed Troy."

Troy replies sarcastically, "Gee, thanks Kelsi. Nice to know my cousin actually cares about my well-being."

Kelsi raises an eyebrow and says, "Quit your whining, you big baby. Now answer my question. Did you two finally confess your undying love for each other?"

Gabriella laughs and replies, "Yes we did and before you ask again, yes we are dating."

Kelsi hugs her aunt, unable to contain her happiness.

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