Ch. 42: Love Sick

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I walked into the bar called Tipsy after receiving a call at 10 pm from Sunny to come and pick up Daniel. Sunny was a mutual friend. I met him the same time I met Diggy years ago on the basketball court. Sunny was older than us at 25 years old but he was cool people so playing basketball together became our thing as kids.

I hadn't heard from Sunny in months, however, until tonight when he told me to come pick up Daniel from the bar. He was the bartender on duty at the time and apparently Daniel had one too many drinks. He wasn't even supposed to be drinking but I'm sure he probably had a fake ID on him. And even though Sunny knew he wasn't of age, he had no reason to deny him a drink. If the authorities asked, Daniel could show them that.

Sunny nodded at me as I approached the bar where Daniel sat at a stool.

"What's up, man?" I greeted Sunny and dapped him over the counter.

"What's good, bro." He replied.

I sat next to Daniel who was slouched over on the counter staring at an empty glass. "Sunny, fill me up man." He slurred as he pushed the glass closer to Sunny.

Sunny shook his head. "Diggy, you had enough bro. You ain't even supposed to be drinking. I was doing you a favor as a friend. I could get in trouble." Sunny whispered to us and walked away to tend to his other customers.

"Man, fuck outta here then. I'm a paying fucking customer." He hiccuped.

I shook my head and faced him while leaning on a hand I had resting on the bar.

"Diggy, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you even here?" I asked.

He turned to me with angry bloodshot red eyes. "Why does it even matter? Who cares?" He shrugged and tossed his hands all the way in the air and almost fell off of the stool. He had to quickly grab the edge of the counter to catch himself. He cackled obnoxiously and I shook my head as I looked around at the pairs of curious eyes that were startled by his stumble.

"I care. Sunny cares. He sent me to come get you cause you over here acting a fool. Since when did you even start drinking?"

He gazed at the lights above us. Not like he was thinking, but like he just couldn't control himself. The liquor was taking over. "How long ago was I raped and blamed for it?" He asked rhetorically. "That's when I started drinking."

I shook my head. I didn't know how to respond. I honestly felt bad for him. It had been over two weeks since the whole sex tape fiasco occurred and India broke up with him. It was such a shame. Even I knew him better than to believe that happened on his own free will. But India was a woman and women are stubborn creatures when their feelings get involved.

It made me feel good that Kendall was so introverted because at least I wouldn't have to worry about her being in the mix with another nigga that would have me acting out of character like Daniel was.

A guy reaching for his drinking accidentally bumped arms with Daniel and the drink spilled all over Daniel's blue Crenshaw crew neck sweater.

At the speed Daniel stood up and got in the guy's face, I almost got whiplash. "You see what the fuck you just did?" He asked the guy and observed his wet clothing.

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