Ch. 30: We Got This

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I knocked on Kendall's door and waited for her to answer. It had been like three days since Khalil and her mom left. No one knew where they were. No one knew if they were safe. They hadn't contacted us yet.

I picked up a little package that was on her doorstep. It must have been delivered this morning.

I came to pick her up because she was gonna be living with me until she went off to college this fall. I couldn't leave her in this house all alone.

The door swung open to reveal her in sweats and a crop top. She must've just woken up.

"You all packed and ready?" I asked.

She whined, "No, I don't want to leave this house. I'll miss it. Why don't you move in here?"

"For real?"

"Yes, the house is already paid for anyway. And I don't want to leave it." She pouted.

"What about when you go to college? I'm gonna be alone all semester."

"See, I thought about that. Which is why I've decided to go to the University of Southern California. Just a couple miles away. You can take me and pick me up from school everyday."

I walked inside of the house leaving her at the front door.

"Rude," I heard her say.

"You just don't wanna leave a nigga. You'd miss me," I smirked cockily.

"Plus I'm not gonna be in school thousands of miles away and have you chasing other girls."

As she closed the door I handed her the little box. "What's this?"

"It was on the doorstep when I came."

She took it hesitantly and opened it. She pulled out a pair of keys and looked confused. She looked in the box and read something on a piece of paper.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"The spare keys to Khalil's Jeep. I only have the original keys."

"So you get to keep it?"

She smiled and nodded. "Look, the note also says he's sorry he didn't get to see you before he left and that he'll miss you."

I took the note that she handed to me and read over it. "Damn man. That was my boy," I shook my head. It didn't make any sense to me all the shit that was going on. But it didn't have to make sense for me to understand why he decided to just leave. I couldn't imagine living in fear every day.

Kendall's phone got a notification and she picked it up. I watched as her eyes traveled over her phone screen reading something.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's an email from USC." She looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. "Khalil has paid off my entire tuition. What the fuck?" She looked over the email like she read it wrong the first time.

I wasn't even gonna ask where he would get the money from to do that. No one but Khalil knew all the things he did for money and how much money he was making. And that's what had him in such a messy situation.

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