India and Khalil fall madly in love with each other. Or maybe so they think. They have many ups and downs including India's ex, Daniel. She gets so caught up between the two and it always leaves her to think who does she actually want to be with. Wh...
I sat in the living room and heard the sound of a car locking then India's little feet raced down the stairs.
"Mommy!" She ran to the door and threw herself around Maria and John.
"Her momma still as fine as she was back then." Cam whispered to me.
I chuckled. "Stop being a creep."
Maria walked in the living room with John and India trailed behind her with luggage. "Good morning boys." She greeted as she took a seat on the love seat.
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"Damn Mr. Smith is a lucky man." Cam said out loud as he eyed Maria.
"Why thank you Cameron." John set the luggage behind the couch that Cam and I were sitting on and smacked the back of his head.
"Dang, Mr Smith. I was playing."
Maria put a hand over her mouth and giggled. Something that India liked to do too.
"How was y'all trip moms?" I asked Maria.
India sat next to Cameron and cleared her throat. "Not your mom."
"Oh my goodness. It was so beautiful and a-maze-ing. I really needed it." She smiled widely.
I ignored India's comment. "Yes you did. You work too much. You needed time to relax with your husband."
John returned and placed a sloppy kiss on his wife's lips. "Tell me about it."
"Okay, that's our cue to leave." India stood and made her way through the kitchen to the backyard door. Cam and I followed behind her. As we stepped outside Cam pushed his finger in her left ear and stepped behind me. She turned and slapped my chest. "Why would you do that? That feels weird."
I laughed and walked over to sit at the bench on the patio. "It wasn't me."
I sat back and watched as she pushed Cameron and that started one of their childish games of chase.
My phone vibrated in the pocket of my basketball shorts. I pulled it out and rolled my eyes at the message.
Nat : imy can we talk? -10:23 a.m.
Me: Negative. -10:23 a.m.
I looked up at the sound of India shrieking and laughing as she ran towards me. "Don't let him catch me!" She sat next to me and Cam ran towards her. Before he got to touch her she reached out a foot and kicked him in his stomach.
"Shit!" He hovered over grasping his stomach. He made his way over to a single chair. "I ain't playing with you no more." He groaned. "That shit hurt."
She laughed. "That's what you get for pushing your fat ass finger in my ear."
My phone vibrated in my hand.
Nat : Plz bae I'm sawwy
"Aww, she's sawwy," India teased as she leaned over me to read my messages.
"Girl, back up. Stop being nosey." I laughed and tucked my phone back in my pocket.
"It's a habit. Remember, I used to look at your phone whenever someone texted you." She shrugged.
I laughed. "I remember that all too well. Like the time my sister texted me that she loves me and I said it back and you snapped on my ass because you thought it was another girl."
"Shut up. I was already in a pissy mood that day."
"Mmhm.'s life treating you?"
She giggled. "It's amazing how well I know you Diggs. Because I know you said how's life treating me, but what you really wanna know is how's Khalil treating me."
"Well yeah, how's it going with y'all?"
"We're fine," She replied, searching my eyes like she was trying to read me.
"That's cool." I looked away.
"Oh SHIT!" Cameron exclaimed as his fingers were flying across the screen on his phone typing something. "I gotta go. Booty call. I'll see y'all later." Cam jumped out of his seat and left.
We laughed at him. "He got it so easy." I shook my head.
"Why you say that?"
I looked at her for a while and she stared right back at me, her gaze making me nervous. "Nothing."
"Oh, come on. You can talk to me," She encouraged.
"Because he doesn't have to worry about anything. He's just having fun. Unlike me. I'm here... in love with a girl who completely disregards my feelings and is jolly with another nigga." I looked straight ahead as the water in the pool soothingly moved along in small waves and placed my leg on the stool in front of me.
She sighed. "I don't ignore your feelings."
"Then what? You put 'em on hold? I always thought you loved me but now I'm beginning to see that I'm the only one who truly cares. All I have to hold on to is our past." I shook my head. "I held back from so many things for you. Couldn't even look at another girl without comparing them to you."
"Don't say that." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Say what?"
"That you thought I loved you. I loved you Daniel. I still do." She whispered the last part.
"If you weren't with him, would you get back with me?"
"Without a doubt. But that doesn't change the fact that I am with him and that I really care about him."
I laughed and brushed my thumb over my nose. Another nervous tactic of mine. "That's real funny."
She frowned. "What's funny about it?"
"Everything. I ain't tripping no more though. Just do you." I dismissed the conversation with a wave of my hand.
She opened her mouth as if to say something but decided against it.
"Guys!!" Maria's voice called.
I got up before India and entered the house leaving the door open for her.
"What's up?" I asked as I joined Maria in the kitchen.
"Sí, madre?" India asked.
"Do you guys not realize that prom is right fucking here?! In four days! And no one seemed to run that by me?" She asked as she held a letter from school in her hands asking about our deposit for prom. She rarely checked the mail since she was almost never home.
"I've been too busy studying for finals, Ma." India shrugged.
"That's no excuse. This is a once in a lifetime event. You should be prepared regardless." She said in a 'duh' tone. "You guys get dressed. We're going prom shopping!" She cheered.
"I don't know if I wanna go." I announced.
They both looked at me as if I was insane.
"Why sweetie?" Maria asked sounding disappointed.
"I just - I don't know. I don't think I'll enjoy myself as much as I would want to."
She looked between me and India. "Oh. Oooohh." Recognition hit her. "Honey, John is paying for everything. You're going and I don't want to hear another word of you going against it." She patted my cheek. "Now come on. Chop chop! No time to waste."