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[A/N hi guys just a short intro this is a Destiel story and will have some fluff in it but also some feels. No smut for those of you who like to read it. Sorry. Also this is my very first fanfiction ever so sorry if the beginning is a bit rocky! I hope you enjoy!]

It was a dreary, cold day in September. Castiel Novak was walking home, arms wrapped tight around him. He kept his eyes low, watching the ground as he walked, ignoring the fall leaves scattered on the ground. He struggled against the strong wind that was threatening to push him the other direction, shivering in the pre-winter cold. Glad he had a jacket, he hugged himself tight in an attempt to ward off the bitter chill.

As Castiel walked, he put in his earbuds, turning on music and putting his cell phone in his pocket. He walked in silence, the only sound the crunching of his feet and the music playing in the background, guitars shredding as My Chemical Romance blasted his thoughts away. The only music he listened to, Castiel was an avid fan of the little-known band that had broken up a few years earlier.

As his favorite song, Welcome to the Black Parade, played loudly, he walked up the steps to his front door, opening the piece of wood that was about to break. He dropped his backpack on the table and turned off the music. "Gabe? Where are you?" he called, searching out his brother. They lived together in a small house, nearly a shack. There was one bedroom, which they took turns using. The other slept on the rickety old sofa that was sitting in the small living room. The sofa was the coveted bed, with the actual bed being no more than a piece of wood and a blanket.

With little decoration, it was a shabby home. But it was home, and Castiel always tried to tell himself he was perfectly fine with the drab conditions. He found his brother stretched out on the couch, an interview on the small television that stood in front of it.

"Shhhhh!" he whispered to Castiel. "Look," he pointed. "It's Dean Winchester!! He's about to play live and he's singing his brand new song!" Castiel rolled his eyes. His brother Gabriel had an odd obsession with the coveted musician Dean Winchester. A Taylor Swift wannabe in Castiel's mind, Dean played the guitar and sang along with it, performing his own songs. They were all about his own personal life, and Castiel found them to be quite boring and unrelatable. He much preferred MCR.

Leaving his brother to his worshipping, he muttered "gay" under his breath. "I heard that!" his brother announced. Castiel smiled. Though they were different, he loved his brother, weird tastes and all.

He took his personal laptop, which he had saved for for quite a while, and went to sit on the porch. He began to do some research on different colleges. Having, dropped out of school as a senior in high school, he had eventually realized the dropout life was not for him (after some troubles with the law) and was ready to go back to school. Finally graduated, he was ready for the college student life, but had yet to choose a school that interested him.

"CAAAAAAAS!" he heard from inside, unnaturally high pitched. Groaning, he pulled himself into a standing position and walked inside. "What?" he sighed, exasperated. His brother had the hugest grin on his face. "Gimme your computer! Now! I need it pleeeeease just for a second!!" Castiel rolled his eyes. Though the younger of the two, he often ended up the caretaker of his childish brother. Defeated, he allowed his older brother to access his computer and left to watch some tv.

After hours of channel surfing and not finding much to interest him, Castiel turned off the television. Pulling himself off the couch, he turned to find his brother typing animatedly on the laptop. "What ARE you doing?" Castiel asked, exhausted and done with his brother. Holding up an index finger, Gabriel continued typing feverishly. Finally, he handed the burning hot computer back to Castiel.

Hardly able to contain his excitement, Gabe was bouncing up and down like a small girl. It was quite a funny sight to Castiel actually. He laughed, and repeated the question. "What was that??" Gabe still did not respond. He pulled out his old cell phone, an outdated iPhone they had got for relatively cheap, and pulled up his email, refreshing every minute. Exasperated and fed up with his brother, Castiel wandered into the kitchen. He was starving, and began to cook up some ramen noodles, which was what most of his diet consisted of.

Just as the microwave timer beeped, Castiel heard an audible gasp, followed by a shriek, and Gabriel yelling, "CAS!! CASSIE I DID IT I WON YES YES YES! CAAAAAS!! C'MERE!" Now extremely curious, Castiel grabbed his noodles and walked into the other room. "What, now are you going to tell me what's going on?" he asked teasingly while slurping up noodles. "I just entered a limited time contest and won the BEST. PRIZE. EVER." Gabriel shouted. "I GET TO GO ON TOUR WITH...GUESS WHO????? DEAN. FREAKING. WINCHESTER. The entire TOUR!" He was giddy with strange excitement one would usually expect from a teenage girl meeting her idol.

Oh. Was that it? Castiel thought. He didn't care for Dean Winchester, thought them too different. But he was glad his brother would get to do something fun. Then he had a terrible thought. "Do we have to pay?"

"Not a penny!! That's the best part!" Gabe responded with joy. Castiel sighed. That was one less thing to worry about. "It gets betterrrrr," Gabe said in a sing-song voice. Castiel didn't really care, but thought he would allow his brother his fun. "I get to bring a family member! And I choose...surprise surprise...YOU!"


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