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"Cas. Cas!"

Cas woke up to Dean's brilliant eyes looking down at him. From this close, he could make out the details of Dean's eyes. The highlights, the shadows, the fifty different shades of green.

"What?" he asked blearily. He was distracted by the depth of Dean's features. At the blemishes that weren't blemishes, the freckles that shone like angel kisses, the beautifully full lips.

"Dude, the concerts over, we're heading back to the hotel for the night." He smirked and added, "Sam and Gabe already called a room together, and Bobby sleeps alone." Castiel's eyes widened as the realization washed over him.

He and Dean would have to share a room.

Cas didn't think he would be able to handle it. Even though they had barely known each other a week, it was a week spent largely together, thanks to Sam and Gabe constantly seclusion themselves away. And in that week, Castiel had begun to actually like Dean.

He never thought he would say it but...

Dean Winchester was not actually horrible!

In fact, he and Castiel had more in common than Cas had originally thought. They had very similar music taste (Cas discovered Dean's music wasn't all bad), similar book taste, and they loved to watch the same movies (The Avengers). They liked the color black. They absolutely loved their brothers. And that was what they had in common the most. So yes, Castiel figured. They had a lot in common.

And that scared him.

"Cas?! Caas?" Dean shouted. "Geesh you were like in some sort of deep trance or crap I don't know."

Cas was startled. "Oh, sorry. Must still be tired or something..." he trailed off. He knew that wasn't it. But he refused to admit it to himself.

"Oh, well anyway we're heading back like, right now, so...I mean yeah. We gotta go." Dean seemed awkward, like he wasn't quite sure what to say, or he was nervous. As they walked out of the arena, Cas shuffled next to Dean. "So, how was it? The concert I mean."

"It was good. Sort of exhilarating you know? It all went by so fast though, it surprised me. Although," he turned to Cas, wiggling his eyebrows. "I heard that Sam and Gabe spent most of it together alone."

Cas laughed. "Oh my gosh they need to get together already!" he said. The two laughed together, before Dean turned back to Cas. "So, your brother really is...gay? Or bi at least?" Cas nodded. "Yeah..." he was about to add that it was the reason they had been kicked out, but then he would have been telling Dean and he was also gay. And that wasn't an option.

Because Cas was very sure that he liked Dean. Despite knowing him for a short amount of time, which was spent hating him.

Now he hated him even more for being so likable.

A/N Sorry for the ultra short filler chapter I'm trying to get to the exciting part and speed up Destiel a little bit, but I also want this story to last a bit so. Yeah anyway, sorry for that!

Angel Wings (SPN) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now