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Three months. Cas had been on tour with Dean for three months. And they were all getting sick of it. Who would have thought?

Sam just wanted his automatically connecting wifi that he had at home.

Gabe was just bored. "It's always the same thing, over and over!"

Dean was exhausted. The concerts were always good; he always enjoyed them. But they were tiring.

And Cas was tired of all the extra effort he had to make to keep everything together.

It was a stressful time for them all. But they managed to keep ahold of themselves and stay calm. And they did enjoy the company of the others. Dean and Cas met up religiously after the concerts. They would always discuss the budding relationship between their brothers.

"Sam says that he's really sore from extra working or something I don't even care. Mention Gabe can massage well or some crap."

"Gabe is bored and kinda sad Sam needs to show him some cool shiz you can do on the Internet."

"Yes! I walked into their room and they were sleeping in the same bed! Don't worry. All clothing was on and no hickeys were noticeable."

"Today. Today is the day. Operation 48 commence."

Operation 48 didn't happen that day. Or the next. Or the next.


A week later, Sam took them all out for dinner. It was a nice restaurant, not too fancy, but nice. It must have cost a large amount of money, and Cas loved every minute of it. Dean had ordered for him, recommending his favorite dishes. And they had been amazing, the best food Castiel ever had. There was some sort of rice with beautifully cooked vegetables and some sort of meat. There were all sorts of delicacies, most of which were foreign to Castiel. It was all soooooo good.

"Omigodthisissoamazing!" Gabe said between mouthfuls of food. Sam smiled at him and offered him a bite of his food. Gabe's eyes widened. "This is EVEN BETTER!" he exclaimed. Sam gave a small smile, not noticing the smirks Dean and Cas have each other. They had gotten so close, the two could practically communicate with their eyes.

Dean pointed out the way that Gabe subconsciously leaned toward Sam.

Cas pointed out the way that Sam seemed protective of Gabe and his well being, even just in eating.

They both noticed the way Gabe held on to every word that Sam said, and that Sam kept talking long after needed, just so he could see Gabe's face looking at him the whole time. "Awwwww, they're so cute, how are they NOT together?" Dean whispered to Castiel. Cas had learned that Dean was a bit of a softie. "Bet ya twenty bucks they tell us they're together tonight," he replied. Dean frowned. "No fair, that's an automatic win for you!"

Cas just stared at him, waiting for him to relent.


Not ten minutes later, Sam quit his spiel on the working of the deep internet and coughed into his arm. "Gabe, uh, so, well...you see...Gabriel Novak, I think...well, not to be awkward, or sappy, or weird, or anything...Gabe, I think I really like you, and uh, sorry if you're not...you know...don't swing that way or whatever...but I just thought, you should, you know, know that, and I figured Dean and Cas might want to know, I uh...tried to not acknowledge it, but, yeah, I uh..." Sam sputtered.

Gabe rolled his eyes and kissed Sam on the cheek. They both turned bright red.

"I think this counts as a win for ME," Dean said, smirking.

"No way, I totally win! You owe me 20 big bucks," Cas said, hitting him lightly.

"It was if they said they are together. They weren't officially. I win."

"Nope! I do."

After a good 5 minutes of playful bickering, Dean passed $20 over to Cas, who grinned triumphantly. Sam and Gabe stared at them. Rolling his eyes, Dean laughed at Sam's expression. "Of course we knew ya idiot. Do you know how long me and Cas've been working to get you guys to make it official?"

Sam and Gabe gaped at each other, then across the table to their brothers. "Well then, you've succeeded. When are you gonna tell him, Dean?" Sam said.

"Tell me what?" Cas asked. Good grief he was turning into a teenaged girl, he shouldn't be worried, or sound so protective.

"Nah, it's nothing. I'll tell ya later."

Cas let it go, making a mental note to ask him later. Since they had all finished eating, they decided to go to Brahms for ice cream, after Gabe said it was his favorite place. Gabe got "lollipop" flavored sherbet. Dean and Cas both got chocolate fudge double scooped ice cream, and Sam got "moose tracks." Happily eating their ice cream, they all clambered back into the impala, glad that no fans had run around them. Dean finished quickly, so he could drive. The others took their time, savoring the sugar.

"Don't you dare drip any on my baby, or I will slice your head off and use it to adorn the house." Dean warned as he pulled onto the road. Laughing, they all began to talk about the recent development, Cas and Dean emphasizing how long they had "shipped Sam and Gabe." They finally, after heated argument, decided their ship name to be "Sabriel." They cracked up at the outraged faces of Gabe and Sam, who were trying hard to contain their laughter and maintain an upset mask.

Suddenly, there was a flash of gray, a screech of brakes, and a squeal of tires on pavement. Glass shattered, Dean thrust his arm over Cas, and for all of them...

everything went black.

Angel Wings (SPN) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now