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After dinner that night, they had retired to bed early; Sam wanted to take them around for a more detailed tour of the city the next day.

They got ready the next day, getting dressed and packing a small backpack with some water and snacks-apparently they were going to be sightseeing all day. Great. Dean groaned and grabbed his portable charger, probably planning on using his phone all day.

Cas had the same plan, grabbing his phone and his laptop, in case they got to take a short break at some point during the day. Gabe went out with Sam and got a digital camera, thanks to Sam. They seemed to get along really well, leaving Cas and Dean in the dust of their "friendship." Knowing Gabe, Cas figured it probably wasn't just that.

Dean drove the four of them into town, Cas sitting shotgun, since Sam and Gabe wanted to talk. As they parked and got out, both Cas and Dean put in their headphones, trying their best to hide them partially. Looking at each other, they grinned and held their fingers to their lips.

The group walked all day, and strangely late into the night. Well, late for Cas. Sam talked and had long conversations with Gabe, who held on to his every word.

When they finally got back to the house, Cas collapsed into his bed, exhausted by the long day. Gabe came in and chattered on and on about his seeings during the day, not noticing that Cas had closed his eyes and wasn't paying attention. Opening his eyes, Cas stood up. "I'm gonna take a shower. You probably should too, Gabe. You stink, and you don't wanna make your boyfriend think a skunk is in the house."

Gabe glared at Cas. "He is not my boyfriend."

Castiel grinned. "Whatever you say." He laughed at the outraged look on Gabe's face as he stormed to his room.
And that was how the rest of the week went, up until the night before they were due to leave. That day, they packed everything they needed onto the tour bus, which was literally a mini house, with different rooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, and anything else that could be needed in a house. That night, they stayed up late, knowing they would be on the bus all of the next day, and they day after that. They went out to dinner, and then went back to the home and talked for a while. Well, Sam and Gabe talked. They had quickly become best friends. Cas and Dean just sat, listening to their conversation.

"And then, I thought I was flying, and the Mafia was after me, and then I got shot in the head, except instead of dying I just drove myself to the hospital where the Mafia came back after me so I had to run away and then I woke up. That's definitely the craziest dream I've had."

Sam was dying of laughter; he was crying from laughing so much. Gabe grinned and slid over a bit, also laughing. The two fell on each other, but the laughing seemed forced now. They finally stopped and sat up, both blushing. Dean and Cas eyed each other, smirking. Dean stood up. "I need a beer." He headed into the kitchen, and Cas awkwardly stood up and followed. "I uh-need some water," he said, wincing at the weak excuse. Why was he following Dean?

Sam and Gabe didn't really notice, just sorta nodding and mumbling an "ok." They were too busy talking to each other again. Cas grinned and walked into the kitchen. "So," Dean said, startling Cas. "I know my brother's gay. Well, bi. But more into guys you know. What about yours. He better not be leading Sammy on or he'll have other things to worry about."

Cas was surprised. "I, uh, I don't really know. He's only ever dated girls, but he hasn't dated many, so..." he said, trailing off. Did Dean think that his brother and mine were gonna be an item? Did I?


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so short but I felt like it could be ended there so I did. This one was updated quickly so sorry if it's not very good. Please share my story thanks!!

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