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The days went by slowly. Dean gained some strength, and his ribs were healing nicely. He began to take some vocal lessons, just to prepare his voice for some major usage, after hardly being used at all for a while.

Sam and Gabe spent nearly all their time together. Gabe didn't seem to care as much about Dean anymore, instead focusing on his brother Sam. They were officially a couple, and everyone thought their relationship was adorable and would last forever.

This left Cas alone. He often stayed with Dean, helping his voice warm up and just generally talking to him. However, usually they just sat in comfortable silence. Castiel didn't mind much. He was slowly accepting and coming to terms with the fact that he had a major crush on Dean. He also tried to come to terms with the fact that he knew Dean would never truly love him back. He was quite obviously straight, having only dated girls as far as Cas knew. Still, at least he wasn't denying them anymore. He had realized that he no longer had any reason to be afraid of his sexuality, that he would be accepted by the few whom he loved, having seen them do so for Sam and Gabe.

Two months had gone by, and Castiel's feelings for Dean only grew as he began to truly get to know the famed star. Without fangirls swarming them constantly, the two were able to have fun together without worry of being interrupted by a fan asking for a photo or an autograph.

Cas was taking Dean out to dinner. It wasn't a date, but a friendly outing of two friends. They had originally been planning on bringing Sam and Gabe along, but the two had changed their minds and were going to some concert for a band that neither Dean nor Cas knew. So they were out alone, eating some of the best food that Cas had had his whole life.

He said that at every meal.

They were not quite dressed up, as it was not a formal restaurant, but they had attempted to dress a bit nicely. After being seated, Dean smiled awkwardly at Cas.

"Well, this is kinda awkward. Feels like a date!" Dean laughed.

Castiel laughed along with him. "Yeah, I know you want it to be but I hate to tell ya, we're just friends," he jokingly said, a sharp pain going through his heart. Why was it so literal?

Dean laughed. When the waiter came over to them, they ordered their food.

"Got any pig 'n a poke?" he asked jokingly. The waiter looked slightly confused, and Dean coughed awkwardly. "Uh, never mind. I'll take the steak, medium rare. No salad please."

Cas smiled at Dean, not quite understanding. "I think I'll just have the pasta and alfredo sauce. I would like a salad please."

They ate in silence, instead enjoying their food. As Cas finished up his meal, Dean had barely eaten half of his steak. "Gosh, slow eater much?" Cas teased. Dean grinned at him and continued eating. As the two sat there, Cas pulled out his phone and began browsing many different posts on the Internet, namely a website he loved called Tumblr.

As he scrolled through posts about his favorite tv shows, he came along what seemed to be a "hipster tumblr" post. He usually scrolled past them, as they didn't really interest him. But this one caught his eye as it had been captioned "for when you can't tell if he loves you back." It was a quote with a black and blue backing, and white letters that said:

Before you "assume" try this crazy method called "asking."

He pondered it. Dean was talking to him in the background, but he didn't hear a single word that was said. He was assuming that Dean was straight. He didn't know that; Dean could easily be bisexual or demisexual or any other sexuality. Heck, the guy hasn't dated anyone in years. He may have realized he was gay. He didn't know.

He was assuming that Dean didn't have feelings for him in that way. Well, if he wasn't straight, he easily could.

These thoughts crowded out all others in Castiel's mind. He was letting himself be filled with false hope; letting a tumblr post change his entire outlook on life.

He was letting himself believe he could be with Dean.

Yay! I've gotten past my writing slump, and surprisingly quickly! ❤️ I'm sorry this one is so short but it's starting to get to the good parts. And the destiel woop. So please vote, comment, and tell others! Thank you so much this story is about half way done!

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