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Castiel looked up at the famed musician. He was a bit shocked at the fact that Dean seemed a bit...shy? Was that the expression on his face? Cas couldn't tell. Gabe was hardly able to contain his excitement. "Hi! I'm Gabe. Such a big fan, loved your album Angel Wings. So good, your best so far. This is my little brother, Cassie. Haha no his name is Castiel. He likes My Chemical Romance and the Internet."

Gabe prattled on, talking about his favorite songs and about lines that really hit him hard. Cas wasn't paying attention; he didn't really care. Walking over to the luggage carousel, he waited for their many suitcases to come along. One by one they stacked up on each other, until there was a pile next to him.

Turning to find a cart, he found that Sam had brought him one already, and was beginning to load the suitcases onto it. Silently wondering why he cared so much about such a simple gesture, Cas began to help him, and soon the cart was full, nearly to it's breaking point. Pushing it easily back over, Sam casually tried to make conversation with Castiel.

Loosening up, they talked for a few minutes about different things, particularly colleges, which it turns out Sam was looking for too, after having to leave Stanford to help his brother with his career. "Not that I regret the decision," Sam assured Cas. "But I do think I wanna go to college soon."

As they reached where the other men had wandered over to, (food) their conversation tapered off. Dean looked to Sam with some desperation in his eyes. Castiel noticed that Gabe was still going strong, talking and talking. He had somehow gotten his hands on 2 lollipops, and was eating them both. At the same time. Reaching the clearing they were in, Sam asked Bobby in a too-loud voice, "Hey Bobby, maybe we should get home. I'm sure that Cas and Gabe are tired, and I wanted to show them around the home."

Quickly realizing that Sam was trying to save his brother from the overly-chatty Gabe, and understanding just how exhausting it could be, Cas interjected with, "Yeah, I'm a bit worn out. Um, I'd love to see the house." Looking at his brother with surprise, Gabriel blessedly stopped talking.

Cas could see Dean visibly relax, although his brother took no notice, and opened his mouth to start talking again. Luckily, before he could, Bobby heartily agreed to the return to the house, and the group began to head outside.

When they got outside, Gabe and Castiel noticed that Kansas was not all that different from New Mexico. They were both pretty brown and barren, although New Mexico was a bit more of a desert, and had some small, also barren mountains (actually, more like rocks) to go with it, while Kansas was generally flat and just dry.

They piled into the car that was waiting for them; Sam, Dean, and Cas in the back with Bobby driving, and Gabe in shotgun. It was a nice car, small and black, with a large trunk. "It ain't usually this crowded in here," Bobby said, gesturing to the back of the car. "This genius," he pointed to Dean sarcastically, "thought he should get a nice small car, so that it wouldn't be so noticeable."

"Hey!" Dean barked in a gruff voice, speaking for the first time since they had arrived. "Don't insult my baby." Bobby rolled his eyes. "This beauty," said Dean, "is a 1967 Chevy Impala. The best car I could ever ask for." This intrigued Castiel. He had always loved old cars, and a '67 Impala was really a great model. Maybe Dean Winchester had better taste than he had thought.

As they drove to the house, Sam happily pointed out many different places and things he loved, and the history behind them. Gabriel, eager to learn about the favorites of the two brothers, listened intently. Castiel tuned out the excited voice, and focused on his music, which he had turned on the instant he got in the car. It seemed to him that Dean didn't care for what Sam was saying at all, and just stared out the window.

The scenery got more and more exuberant as they neared the richer part of town where the Winchesters lived. As the car slowed to a stop in front of a large house, Cas stared at it in awe. The outside was a beautiful painted white brick, with surprisingly green trees surrounding the outside. The front door was painted a dark blue, and the edges of the house the same shade. Each window was perfectly clear glass, with amazing curtains hanging on the inside. It was a stunning house, but it didn't seem quite like something to suit the star.

As they began the many trips to take the luggage in, Sam pointed them to their rooms. "Up these stairs, second floor, Castiel is the second door on the left. Gabe is the third. There's a closet for you both, and dressers, but you might not bother with them since we're leaving Monday. Two bathrooms, stocked with anything you could need. Yeah. Hope it's good enough for you." He smiled.

Castiel gave him a small smile and thanked him, then began the climb to his room.

Angel Wings (SPN) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now