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Castiel sat on the plane, leaning his head against the window. He was already dreading the trip, and the plane hadn't even taken off yet. Groaning, he made a mental checklist of what he had brought. When Gabe and Castiel had met with the agents of the famed Dean Winchester, they had been told that Dean and his brother were very excited for their visit and couldn't wait to meet the two brothers. Cas had very different feelings.
After Cas had reluctantly agreed to the vacation, Gabe called Bobby, who was a close friend of the Winchesters, and who acted as their agent, controlling and organizing their meet and greets, concerts, and managing their official website.

After explaining that he had been the winner of the contest, put out by Dean Winchester himself, he excitedly added, he had asked if they should meet in person, or if the details needed to be explained over phone call. Bobby had happily replied that he would love to meet them in person first, to get an idea of how to describe them to "them idjits." Castiel didn't recognize the term, but it seemed to have been used affectionately.

One week later, they were packing and planning with Bobby, whom Gabe was extremely pleased to have in, as he put it, THEIR. EFFING. HOUSE. Cas ashamedly invited him into their home when Bobby arrived on their doorstep. He could tell the man was surprised at the disarray and shabbiness of the makeshift home. Gabe asked if he would like any cookies, which Bobby ate cheerfully.

Sitting on the couch, the two instantly became friends, and animatedly discussed plans and ideas for the trip. Castiel sat in silence, trying to listen. But in his head, we was making millions of backup plans, one for everything that could possibly go wrong. There were a lot. Bobby and Gabe didn't seem to notice his distance. They talked and planned until late at night.

"Alright!" Bobby said, snapping Castiel back into reality. "You'll leave Tuesday, arrive Wednesday, and we'll be off on the tour Monday bright and early." TUESDAY? Castiel thought. That's in two days! "Wait. We have two DAYS to get ready? For a year long trip?"

"Well," Gabe said, "if you had been listening, you would have known we know all of what we're taking, we just have to gather it. Buy some of it. Pack it. Easy peasy."

Castiel groaned. "Buy what?" He immediately started working out how much of their money could be used on this trip. He grimaced. Not much. "It doesn't matter how much, Cassie boy!" Gabe said, guessing what was on his brother's mind. "Dean and Sam (hehe from the author. Grimace and rebel against the backwards) are willing to help us pay for it."
And so they had packed. And packed. And packed. And re-packed. And packed again. It was a long, tiring process. Bobby helped in the beginning, but he had to leave to help out the boys get ready too, and talk to them a bit about "important details. To them. Not you." Castiel could only guess what he was telling the brothers. And now, they were on a plane, flying to the Winchester home in Kansas.

Currently living out in New Mexico, it was going to be very different for Cas and Gabe. They planned on doing some touring of the place for the few days they were there, but there weren't many places to go. So they figured they would try and learn more about what was going to happen.

As Castiel sat on the plane next to Gabe, he continued to worry endlessly that everything was going to go wrong. After pestering Gabe and asking him a million questions, Gabe had pretended to fall asleep, refusing to answer anything Cas said. Then he ended up actually sleeping on the short flight.

As they reached their destination, Castiel felt his stomach turn. He punched Gabe lightly to wake him up. Bleary eyed, his brother looked around. "Wha?" Castiel rolled his eyes.

"We're here. In Hades' palace." Gabe childishly stuck his tongue out at Cas, but he was way too excited to stay angry for too long. Soon, the hyperactive baby-man was bouncing off the walls. "Ughhhh they need to let us off this stupid plane!!" he complained. People began to stare, and Castiel grimaced. Putting his head in his hand, he attempted to ignore his older brother, and the eyes that he could feel on him.

When they finally got off the plane, Castiel was much more happy than he had planned to be, escaping the stares of the strangers.

As they walked to the luggage rack, they saw Bobby standing by it already, holding a sign that read in big bold letters: CASTIEL AND GABRIEL NOVAK.

Gabe practically ran over to him, full of energy after being on the plane for what had seemed like forever. "Hey boys," Bobby said, greeting them with a smile. Just then, two men came over from where they had been purchasing some food. They joined Bobby, and Gabriel nearly fainted from excitement.

"Heey Bobby," the taller of the two said. Turning to Cas and Gabe, he smiled. "You must be the Novak brothers. We are SO excited to have you with us! We can't wait to learn more about you and hope you'll have fun." Gabe reached over and shook the man's hand. "Sam Winchester. I can't believe it this is so cool! I'm Gabriel, or Gabe. This is my brother-"

"Castiel," Cas interrupted. He didn't want Gabe to say one of his strange nicknames that he had been coined with. Sam smiled at Cas and shook his hand. Castiel did not smile back. The smile slid from Sam's face for a split second. But then it returned in full moose force.

He began to talk with Gabe, who was clearly more excited than Cas. After a couple minutes, in which Castiel went through his mental calm down, Sam turned to Cas and said, to him and Gabe, "And this, as I'm sure you know," (Castiel didn't care,) "is my brother. Dean Winchester."

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