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[implied lemon. Just a warning. No description. Implied]

Dean groaned. He hurt all over. Opening his eyes slightly, he winced. The light was too bright. He rolled over and felt a sharp pain in his ribs. "Ah!" he winced. Finally able to open his eyes, he looked around the room he was in. It was sterile, white, and all together too clean. He lay in a bed, one of those horrible hospital gowns on him. He winced and felt for injuries. There was a bandage wrapped around his head, and sharp shooting pains in his chest. He was scratched up and bruised badly.

Sighing, he lay back down on the bed. He was alone in the room, until a doctor came in. "Hello Dean. Quite a crash you were in." The doctor was blatant, and hardly looked at him. Standing at the end of his bed, he examined the many papers and quickly ran through the computer data.

"Ahem," Dean said, lightly coughing. Ugh even that hurt. The doctor looked up at him.


"Uh...my brother...my friends...they were in the car too. They ok?" Dean's voice was raspy, and every breath sent more pain through his body.

"They're fine. You took the brunt of it. Concussion, couple broken ribs, cuts and bruises. Thanks to you, Castiel was largely ok. A few cuts and some minor head trauma. The two boys in the back were simply knocked out, small concussions. You've been here a few days, Dean."

"A few DAYS?" Dean tried to shout, grimacing as more pain laced through his body.

"Yes Dean. And you probably will not be able to finish your tour, or at least, will have to postpone it a few months. Your voice and ribs need to heal."

Dean groaned. He knew there was nothing he could do. He figured he'd discuss it with Sam, Gabe, and Cas. Unhappy, frustrated, and in pain, Dean closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


Sam and Cas paced nervously in the waiting room of the hospital. The doctor had called them and said Dean had woken up, but he had fallen asleep soon after. However, they went to the hospital anyway, in hopes of being there when he woke again. Gabe had gone out to get them some food, and should be back soon.

They had all had to stay in the hospital overnight for watch, making sure their concussions weren't too serious. They had been released the next day, but we're told that Dean would have to stay longer. He had taken the brunt of the hit, having thrown himself over Cas, and the other two being in the backseat. Apparently the other car had hit them head on in the front.

They looked up as the doctor walked out of the room that Dean was in. "He's awake now."

They walked into the room. Dean looked up at them and smiled. "Hey guys," he said. He voice was hoarse and scratchy. He had a bandage on his head and his chest was clearly taped up.

"Dean!" Cas said. "Oh gosh, you look terrible!"

"I've been better, thanks," Dean said, attempting to laugh. He winced in pain, however, and Cas went to sit next to him, Sam going around to the other side of the bed. They didn't talk much, just sat there. Dean gladly let them, as each breath in hurt, let alone attempting to talk.

Finally, Sam turned to him. "Dean, you know you can't do any concerts like this. You'll need a while to heal! Do you want to postpone it, or just call the whole thing off?"

Dean sighed. "How long would it have to be pushed off?"

Sam shifted uncomfortably. "Three months, at the least. Your ribs should heal in around 6 weeks but you'll need to also let your voice heal and then we have to redo all the different dates and reschedule and all of that jazz..."

Dean groaned. "May as well just postpone it. Don't wanna make the fans sad..."

Cas smiled at him. "Always worried about your fans, huh Dean?" Dean grinned at Cas. "Hey, you wanna stay at the house while we figure stuff out? You still got most of the tour to join us for!"

Cas hesitated. Staying with Dean? He was about to say no when Dean looked up at him. His green eyes seemed hopeful that Cas would stay, and they were brighter than ever before-even after that first show he did. Cas sighed. He would have to deny his fake feelings for longer than he had planned. He didn't think he really liked Dean. Only the thrill of the adventure of this tour, the excitement of it all. He was mistaking friendship for love again.

"Sure, why not."


The next day, Dean was released from the hospital. Sam drove them home in the impala, much to the disdain of Dean. They headed straight for the airport, which was to take them back to the Winchester home.

"I'm sorry you boys have to wait and not, you know. Travel around on a tour," Bobby said to Cas and Gabe.

Gabe smiled. "Nah it's cool. We can find some fun stuff to do I'm sure." He grinned and looked at Sam. Cas nudged Dean and almost giggled. But he's a man. So he didn't.

After a short plane ride (they didn't take the private plane for some reason that Cas was unsure of), they arrived back at the exuberant house. They all trudged in and collapsed in their beds, however, Sam and Gabe were now sharing a bedroom. It was right next to Dean's room, and he lay in bed trying to fall asleep when he realized that Sam and Gabe were...not sleeping. Blushing, he pulled the pillow on top of his head and closed his eyes.

Later that night, Cas awoke from his sleep, screaming and drenched in sweat. He tried to calm himself down. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. He lay back down just as Dean burst into his room. "Cas? What's wrong?"

Castiel sighed. "Nothing Dean, it was just a nightmare."

Dean hesitated before saying, "Oh, ok." He then walked out the door.

Cas sighed. He knew he wouldn't be getting back to sleep. Ever since the crash, he had been having trouble sleeping, especially whilst Dean was in the hospital. He had nightmares that because Dean protected him, he died instead. Or he dreamt that Gabe had died, or that he had. It had really messed him up. But nobody else needed to know. It was too embarrassing and strange.

Cas wandered into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He was surprised to find Sam there too, sitting at the table with a glass of water and some pie.

"Don't tell Dean," was the first thing out of his mouth. Cas grinned. Sam was eating Dean's pie. Did he want a death sentence or...

"What're you doing up?" he asked Sam.

"Ah, you know. Couldn't sleep."

"Your hair is a mess." Sam blushed when Cas said this. His eyes widened as realization hit him. "Oh...."

Sam blushed even more. "So..." he says, trying to change the subject. "What's up with you and Dean. And," he cuts off Castiel, who had opened his mouth to say something. "Don't say nothing. You are either strangely close friends or you're hel-hecka gay." He cuts himself off, remembering that Cas tries to avoid swearing, for some unknown reason. Cas smiles at him in silent gratitude.

"I honestly don't know. I hope it's not more than friends..." he trailed off when he realized how mean that sounded.

"What do you mean, Cas? 'I hope it's not?'"

"Oh uh...it's just my past you could say. Nothing against your brother, I do like him. Honestly? I try to like him but not love him. It's hard." He blushed, not having meant to reveal all that. It wasn't even entirely true.

Sam smiled. "Your secret's safe with me. You would be cute together." Cas smiled. He bid Sam goodnight and walked out of the kitchen. Behind him, he heard Sam muttering something that sounded like "destiel."

He had no clue what that was.

Climbing up the stairs, he headed back to his bedroom and collapsed on his bed. Quickly, he fell asleep, unprepared for what the future would hold, or else he may not have told Sam all that he did.

OMG such a crappy part and cliche ending! Hopefully it sets some fear in you haha. 😈Anyway, sorry for taking so long to update! This story is finally getting closer to the place I want it to be at! Also, if you happen to be a Hetalia fan, please go check out my Hetalia stuff, I have a lot of it! XD Thanks and sorry for the self promo but seriously go check them out!

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