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San Francisco.
Kansas City.
New York City.
New York again.

These were just some of the places that the tour was being held. They would be traveling back and forth across the world, winding around it like a string. It was to be a long and exhausting trip.

Starting out in Kansas, they had to drive to California, where they would board a flight to Tokyo. The tour bus would meet them there. On the first day on the road, Sam and Gabe snuck off into their own room to "talk." Dean smirked at Cas knowingly, but avoided the topic. For most of the time, Dean and Cas sat in awkward silence.

Cas looked up from his book. He eyed Dean, who was laying on the sofa, eyes closed, listening to music. His eyes trailed along the curve of his back, following the body up to his head, which was hanging off the edge of the couch. Castiel studied the details in his hair, which was a beautiful dusty brown. He watched as the singer mouthed the words to the song he was listening to. Castiel immediately recognized it as I'm Not Ok.

He continued to watch as Dean sang along silently, watching the curve of his mouth and the crinkle in his eyes. Cas felt he had found every detail in the musician's face, every flaw in the design. All except for those forest green eyes, the eyes so vivid that Castiel almost couldn't believe they were real. Those were hidden away, protected from his penetrating gaze by the singer's closed eyelids.

Cas couldn't figure out what was wrong with himself. It was only day one of the tour and he was beginning to like Dean Winchester. That wasn't right at all; he had promised himself that there would no longer be feelings for any male ever again.

No. He shook his head. Never again. Besides, he barely knew the guy. It had to just be a passing fancy, or the fact that he was famous.

And he went back to reading his book, attempting to get Dean Winchester out of his mind.


It had been a long week, spent on the tour bus and then on a plane, until they had arrived in Japan. Now they were preparing for the first concert of the tour. Sam was backstage, helping out with keeping everything on track. Dean was in hair and makeup, getting warmed up and ready to perform.

Gabe and Castiel just stood backstage, waiting awkwardly. When Sam came by them, he grinned and said, "Don't worry. Once we get the ropes figured out, you'll be helping more. For now, just enjoy the exclusive backstage concert!" Dean walked over. He laughed as he took his guitar from his brother, who had picked it up, and began to head out onstage, where the crowd could easily be heard. There were screams, shouts, and the ever-lasting chanting of "De-an! De-an! De-an!"

Dean smiled at them, looking nervous. Sam, noting the look on Dean's face, smiled and patted his back. "Don't worry, big brother. You'll do just fine." Cas and Gabe nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Taking a shaky breath, he smiled widely and gripped the neck of his guitar, knuckles white. He nodded, as if to give himself assurance.

And he walked onstage.


The screams and shrieks were deafening. They signaled the instant the spotlights shone on Dean, who had snuck up behind one of the backup dancers. He began to sing, increasing the yelling of the crowd. As the show went on, Castiel began to get tired, and sat down in a comfy chair, in Dean's dressing room. He leaned back, listening to Dean play. The music was filtering in from the stage, which was right next to the room Cas sat in.

As he sank into the brown leather, he contemplated the new twist in his life. He had promised himself that the time of life where he dated guys was in his past. It was a hidden remnant of the old him, the him that had been kicked out. He closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep until the end of the concert.

Still shorter than usual, sorry about that, school is ridiculous right now I have so much stuff. Luckily state testing is done!! But I have 3 projects I'm working on so yeah. Please comment, vote, and maybe be a fan! And share my story, I plan on many a plot twist and I may have some major feels in it because I'm evil lol.

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