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Sorry it's been a while since updating, I just haven't had a lot of motivation to work on this. I'm trying to force myself to work on it a little bit every day now! And school is out in less than a month so then I should be able to update everything a LOT more often!!
Also thanks SO MUCH for 100 views!!

Castiel only took one suitcase up, the one they had filled with that which they needed for the few days that they would be staying in the Winchester home. The other bags and suitcases were left downstairs in a small room that was rarely used, according to Sam.

Walking into his temporary room, Castiel stood in awe. It was a bedroom unlike any other he had seen. The floor was covered with a sort of fur carpet, which was extremely soft. Castiel took off his shoes and scrunched his feet. The curtains were a shimmering white, and the walls a dark blue. But what truly attracted Castiel's attention was the large, luxurious looking bed. He went and jumped on it, sinking down in what felt like a cloud. He could practically hear the angels around him.

He eventually got up, sighing as he slid out of the bed. Stripping down, he locked the bedroom door and headed into the bathroom, hoping to take a warm shower for the first time in forever. He stopped and stared at himself in the mirror of the beautiful bathroom, grimaced at the sight. A tattoo on his face that he never even remembered getting. Piercings covered his skin. He was the perfect stereotype for an unlawful high school dropout.

Sighing, he turned to look at his back, at the scars that could be slightly seen across it. Well, he hoped he wouldn't do any swimming on this trip. He couldn't think of any other reason his back would be exposed to anyone. Sighing, he turned the water on and hopped into the shower.

Suddenly, the water became very hot, nearly burning his back. He had forgotten that water usually was warm in a shower, and had turned it to the warmest it would go out of habit. Quickly jumping out of the way of the water, he reached back to make it a more habitable temperature. He then spent nearly an hour in the luxurious warmth, relishing in the fact that he was almost completely clean, for once.

When the warm water finally ran out, he turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, stepping out into his "room" which felt extremely cold due to the heat of the bathroom he had left, steam so thick it could have been a sauna.

Cas quickly dried off and pulled on his boxers. He chose a black My Chemical Romance shirt and his signature black jeans, but not skinny. He was too self conscious about his body to wear that. Quickly pulling the clothes on, he dried off his wet hair, letting it fall into the disarray that it was always in. Sighing, he pulled out his laptop and began to explore the wonders of the Internet, when Gabriel began pounding on the door. "Cassie! It's time for dinner! Sam made some really good smelling food!"

Cas sighed and opened the door to find Gabe in a plain gray t-shirt and jeans. He again had a lollipop in his mouth. Castiel sighed at that. "Gabe, if it's time to eat, why do you have candy?"

Gabe shrugged. "Why not?" He bit down and finished off the treat. Cas rolled his eyes and pushed past him, heading down the stairs to where he could now smell what seemed to be...pot roast? He hadn't had that in years! Quickly, he walked into the dining room, letting the aroma fill him. "Smells good don't it?" Dean said, standing in the doorway. Castiel turned, startled. "Sammy's a pretty good cook you know," he continued, walking into the room and taking a seat at the large table, which had 8 chairs set up around it.

"You can sit down you know," Dean said with a laugh in his tone. Cas smiled nervously and sat across from where Dean was sitting.

There was a couple minutes of awkward silence, and Cas was contemplating how he could escape the tension, when Gabe and Sam walked in, talking happily to each other. Sam was carrying a large pot, which he set on the table. It was what contained the pot roast. Gabe put down the other plates and bowls, which had a wide array of food in it. Cas looked at it all, then back up at Dean. Sam and Gabe had left to get the rest of the food. "Do you guys eat like this every night?" Cas asked in shock. He had barely known anything other than ramen and bread for as long as he could remember.

Dean laughed. "Nah, Sam doesn't have the time. Actually, we tend to have takeout. But," he leaned in close to Cas and talked a little softer. "Sam said he wanted to surprise you. He went out and got everything, and is making a big meal like this every night until we leave on tour." He leaned back again. "Don't tell him I told you. He really is excited you guys are here. We mostly just have each other, and Bobby when he's free." Castiel smiled shyly. "Well, I guess I'm glad I'm here. And not just because you're, you know, Dean Winchester.

Dean smiled. "I can tell. My Chemical Romance fan then?"

Cas looked down at his shirt. "Oh, yeah you could say that." He blushed a little. Why was that happening?

"Yeah, they're music is just a little different from mine," he laughed. "But they're good. My favorite band when I was a little younger." Cas was surprised. Really? Dean Winchester was part of the MCRmy? Cas was shocked out of his thoughts when Sam and Gabe came back in, carrying more food. They set it down and then sat down themselves, Gabe next to Dean and Sam next to Cas.

Dean looked a little worried that Gabe would start blabbing on and on again, but relaxed when Gabe showed no sign of doing so. Instead he continued to talk to Sam. Dean looked at Sam to see if he needed help, but Sam didn't notice, too busy listening and counteracting whatever Gabe was saying. Smiling, Dean began to serve himself food. Cas did too, and they looked at each other and grinned.

Maybe this tour won't be too bad, Cas thought, and began to eat his first meal with the Winchesters.

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