Chapter fifteen: Lillian and Blake

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"Lillian," Adam attempts to reach for me, but I step back.

That isn't the right word. I flinch, my eyes flutter shut.

I don't flinch because I'm worried he might hit me. Adam isn't a violent person, even when he is mad. I flinch because a flashback comes to mind, and out of nowhere, I am crying, falling to my knees, completely breaking down in the grass.

"I'm so tired of this," I mutter as my hands hide my face, tears flooding down my cheeks.

I feel someone's presence next to me, arms wrap around my core, but I know it isn't Adam. My brother is still standing in front of me, in shock, looking at me with pity.

He must think I am weak and fragile. How could I let him see me like this?

"Hey, it's okay," a soothing voice whispers in my ear, a hand on the side of my head pressing it against a muscular chest. "Take a deep breath, Lily. You're safe."

You're safe, the words ring in my head.

I am safe. In Blake's arms. He would never let anything bad happen to me, and he will always be there to catch me if I fall trying to fly.

He kisses my forehead, and right there, we both know he messed up, because Adam is still standing a few feet away from us, eyes darted on my curled figure and the affection and care Blake is giving me. I look at him, my vision blurred by the tears, seeing the anger in his face as his cheeks turn a new shade of red. He knows, but he doesn't say a word. He is aware that this isn't the moment to throw a tantrum and I silently thank him for it before burying my face into the crook of Blake's neck. We both watch my brother walk away as I am trying to keep my breathing steady, he slams the front door shut.

"I screwed up, baby, I'm sorry," he whispers in my ear, apologizing, but I am not even mad.

Adam would've had to find sooner or later. I didn't want him to figure it out this way, but at least, now he knows, and I pray for him to accept this.

"I just... I saw you both arguing and then, all of a sudden, you just fell to the ground, I thought something was wrong. I couldn't just stand there."

"Don't worry about it. Can I come over?" I ask him.

"You don't have to ask. Mi casa es tu casa."

I'm wrapped in Blake's arms, his hot breath brushing the skin of my nape. I can't stop thinking about Adam and how pissed he looked, but then, I think about the man holding me, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I need Blake Kingston as much as I need air. My life would be unbearable without him by my side, and of course, I want Adam too. I'll always love him, no matter what, but I really hope he can accept that Blake and I are dating, because I really can't afford losing either of them.


I feel bad leaving Lily, but I have to do this one thing. I just wish her fight with Adam won't bring up more dark memories while I am gone. But as of right now, she is sleeping.

I shut the door of my house behind me and head toward the Henry's house. We need to deal with this. I know Lily wouldn't want me to do this alone, but if there's something I can do to take some weight off of her shoulders, I will. I knock on the door and their mom opens up for me. She smiles at me with pity, but then, she takes me in her arms, thanking me for being so good to their Lillian. She pats my back with encouragement before I head to Adam's room. I love Adam, he's my best friend, but I also love Lily, more than anything in the world, and seeing her like this, last night. Heartbroken. Shattered. Unable to stop crying, feeling guilty, blaming herself. I can't support it. So now, we will deal with our shits. Like men.

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