A lot just happened

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Third person pov:

It was just another day. The sun was shining happily, the birds were chirping as normal, and Charlie was sat on the bus next to his sister - Tori - on the way to school. His headphones were in, and he occasionally bobbed his head along to the music, getting lost in his own world.

The bus wasn't overly crowded, but it was still full. Majority of the teenager were making loud noise that shouldn't be possible for this early in the morning or purposely annoying the bus driver as if it was some twisted enjoyment for them. When the bus finally arrived outside the school, the students piled off of it, like it was some race. Charlie and Tori waited until everyone had exited before getting off themselves, thanking the bus driver.

A simple smile and glance was shared in between the Spring siblings before they parted their ways into the separate schools. A small smile had always been their way of saying a goodbye without words - a reassurance in someway.

As he walked through the school gates, someone grabbed his arm. The unexpected contact made his heartrate spike and his breath to catch in his throat. Panicked, his eyes shot up to the person that had touched him to find that it was only Tao - his best friend since the seventh grade. Tao must have noticed his panic, because he whispered a quick, "sorry," which Charlie didn't think was necessary. It was his fault for having that reaction, after all.

"So, there's a movie night happening at my house tonight. Elle and Isaac have already agreed. Therefore, you're coming, too," Tao informed him, walking over to the table that their trio always ate at. Charlie simply nodded his head in agreement, somewhat missing when they used to have movie nights. Recently, one of them had always been too busy to be able to get all four of them in once place at the same time. It was relieving and comforting to know that it was going to happen again.

A small ding surfaced from Charlie's phone before they'd officially made it to the designated table, and a quick glance at the contact name made a weird feeling swell through his stomach. It was Ben, his... boyfriend?

Ben was confusing. He didn't want their 'relationship' to be public, which was completely understandable since Ben wasn't completely sure on his sexuality yet. It was just that sometimes Charlie questioned whether it was even a relationship at all. All it was, was secret kissing.

Pushing the negative thoughts to the back of his head, he opened Instagram to check what Ben had texted him.

Let's meet in the library.

After excusing himself from Tao - he had to make the excuse of needing the bathroom otherwise Tao would have questioned him relentlessly - he ventured towards the library, both excited and nervous to see Ben again. The entire break from Christmas holidays, they hadn't seen each other in person, only making their contact from texting.

Once he'd reached the library, he'd called out Ben's name, but disappointedly, was only met with the deafening silence. Waiting a few more hopefully minutes, he believed that Ben was just running late, but his phone soon dinged again.

Sorry, can we meet after school in the music room instead?

Alright, see you then!

Trying to forget the delay in seeing Ben, he made his way towards his first class of the day. Apparently, form class was a little different this year, and would have a variety of different years grouped together. Making his way inside of the classroom he'd been directed to, he walked to the teacher's desk first, taking a glance at the students within the class already. Nothing too special.

"Ah, Charlie. You will be sitting next to Nick Nelson, who's only a year older than you. So, you should get along perfectly... or just sit there in silence. It doesn't bother me," the teacher told him upon noticing his presence.

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