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Tw: violence, sexual assault, f-slur, Ben

Charlie pov:
He immediately looked up at me with an angry look on his face but also another look that I couldn't explain. My body refused to move closer to him and when he stood up, I took a small step back subconsciously, which he really didn't appreciate. He quickly walked over to me and grabbed my wrists, closing the door and slamming me into it.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He yelled at me and I just remained still. I was in complete shock and Ben just got even more pissed off at me. "Answer me, you fag!" He yelled again.

"I- I..." I tried to speak but the whole situation was too overwhelming. He just pushed me harder in the wall in response. "I- I was out of town..." I finally told him and he shook his head.

"You told me that already. Where were you?" He said, not yelling this time but still in an angry tone. I couldn't tell him that I was with Nick because Nick probably didn't want me telling anyone that we know each other.

"I was at Littlebourne. I- I'm sorry, I wouldn't have gone if I knew you w-wanted to meet up." I whispered in a pleading voice. He scoffed and let go of one of my wrists, quickly moving around so that he was holding them both in one hand, above my head, and that his other hand was gripping my face. I was beyond terrified at this point and Ben just stared into my eyes.

"You're so cute when you realised that you've messed up..." He said and I got extremely confused. He called me cute? Why the hell did he just call me cute? I thought he hated me... he does, right? "Gosh, you're so cute, I can't help but wanting to kiss you." He said with a smirk on his face and I felt nauseous all over again. He moved in and closed the gap between us, the kiss was rough and sloppy but I couldn't move away. I don't think that if I had the chance, I should have tried to either way. Ben was just going to keep using me and get mad if I didn't comply but it wasn't exactly the worse thing in the world... right? He eventually pulled away and I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "How about we take this to the bed, huh?" He asked and I somehow felt more dizzy and nauseous. He aggressively dragged me to the bed and then threw me onto it. There was no way that he was going to do anything more then kissing... he wouldn't do anything else, right?? He grabbed my wrist and placed them above my head again before kissing me. I didn't do anything, I didn't move, I didn't breathe, I just laid there. He continued kissing me and reached his free hand under my shirt, I shivered at the feeling and closed my eyes tightly. I begged for him to stop but he just kept going, he pulled away and removed the hand from my shirt before placing it on my cheek instead. "You should be lucky that this is the only punishment that you're getting." He told me in a stern voice and I nodded my head. He went back to making out with me and I just laid there. Maybe he was right, I had it easy. Nothing really bad was happening, as much as I was uncomfortable and scared.


I laid in bed by myself, Ben left half an hour ago and I haven't got up since. I should probably go have a shower but I was too tired. He was right... I'm just a worthless toy and I guess I just got played with. I felt disgusting, we luckily didn't do anything else though. It was my fault that I got myself into that situation anyway. I stayed up thinking about it all night and sooner or later I heard my alarm go off. I got ready and packed my bag before making it outside to the bus stop without saying a word to Tori. We got onto the bus and Tori kept giving me worried looks but I just ignored it.

"So, how'd it go with your friend?" She asked me and I had to fight off the urge to flinch.

"It went fine. We just hung out for a while." I told her and she looked at me suspiciously before nodding. It's Tori, which means that she probably knows that was a lie but I wasn't in the mood to try and convince her otherwise.

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