Saturday's a fishing day.

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Charlie pov:
My throat felt sore and my eyes could just leak at any moment now but I mustered up enough strength to go out into the living room. Nick and his mum were talking about something on the couch and I couldn't see his grandparents anywhere. Suddenly I heard clattering coming from the garage - there was a door that connected from the living room into the garage - and Nick's grandpa came through the door.

"Ah, there you boys are. Do you want to go fishing now?" He asked and Nick looked behind himself to where I was standing. He gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged.

"Sure gramps." He said before getting up to go help him with the fishing gear. As I was about to go help, Nick's mum called me over and patted the couch next to her, where Nick was just sitting. I walked over and sat down next to her and she smiled politely.

"So, how have you found staying here so far?" She asked me. I was a little bit confused as to why she was trying to make conversation but just decided that I was being to suspicious of everything.

"It's been pretty fun so far." I replied and she nodded. I started to panic, what if Nick had told her about what I had just told him and now I was screwed. Nick and his grandpa walked through the door and looked over at us suspiciously.

"Why don't you guys go set up on the wharf and Charlie will be out in a second." Nick's mum said and Nick looked over at me with a sorry face before going out the back door, followed by his grandpa. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Did Nick actually tell his mum about what I said? I knew I shouldn't have told anyone. "I was wondering something. I know that you and Nick have barely known each other for long but he just seems so much more comfortable with you. He seems more like himself with you rather than his other friends. And I guess I just wanted to know if there was anything going on between you two." She explained and I sat there flattered but also confused. There was no way that she thought Nick and I were dating right? "You know, romantically or whatever." She finished and my heart rate sky rocketed. She really thought that I could have a chance with Nick Nelson, me a gay nerd that got bullied all last year?

"God no. I mean, no there isn't anything going on between us." I clarified and she nodded her head. I was confused as to why she thought that. I mean Nick and I did start getting along quickly for some reason but Nick would definitely not feel that way about me. A few days ago I would have thought that he would never feel that way towards a boy, but that was the other problem. Nick had feelings for some other boy and I was stuck with feelings for him knowing that. I'm glad that he was comfortable enough to tell me but it still hurts.

"Okay then. Do you know if Nick likes anyone then?" She asked me with a smile on her face and I chuckled.

"I don't think Nick would tell me if he liked anyone." I said in reply but she just scoffed. I sat there with a confused look on my face. She just looked at me with an 'are you serious?' face and I remained confused.

"I'm pretty sure that Nick is the most comfortable around you then any other of his friends, and I can see why. You guys just sort of click together, I guess that's why I thought you might like each other." She explained. The fact that she thought that Nick might ever like me was funny in itself. "Anyway, why don't you go join them. Have fun!" She said. I got off the couch and made my way to the back door, sliding it open and walking towards the wharf. Why was she so suspicious of me and Nick, we'd never be anything more than friends. Mostly, because I'm pretty sure that Nick doesn't swing that way, the crush could have just been a lie to make me feel better or something.

"Finally decided to join us, huh?" Nick's grandpa said and I smiled at him. "Oh shoot. I forgot one of the hooks, I'll be right back." He said before making his way back inside. I stood there in silence, looking over at the water that we had previously swam in. Nick stood next to me, hands rested on the railings.

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