Figuring out what we are.

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Charlie pov:
After we kissed, a few times, we sat down on my bed in silence. Trust me, I wanted to talk, I just didn't know what I would say. Nick glanced at me, and I looked back at him.

"So." He said and I swallowed. "You like me... and I like you..." He said and I still blushed at the fact that he liked me. After spending so long with a crush on him and thinking he was straight, I had the right to blush. Nick was so cute, and it was driving me mad, the way his eyes looked into mine was adorable. "Charlie?" Nick said, blushing as well. "You were staring." He smirked.

"Shut up." I said and he started to chuckle. "Just tell me what you said." I told him and he giggled. Only proving my point that he is the most adorable person in the world.

"Okay, I was going to ask if you maybe want to go out." He explained and the smile on my face was incredibly wide. He smiled as well, which only resulted in my smile somehow getting wider. The thought that I was dreaming kept recurring in my head, this situation was never supposed to happen.

"Yes! I mean, sure." I said and he laughed. His smile literally made my day, and I took a mental photograph. I don't think I could ever get over him, I'm only 14, yet I really liked Nick. Is this what it's like to have a crush on someone? If someone asked me to describe the feeling of really liking someone, I'd say what I feel for Nick. That's so incredibly corny.

"Great. So, this weekend?" He asked me and I silently cursed myself. This Sunday was April 25th, my birthday, and on Saturday Tao has made plans with us all to go bowling.

"I can't this weekend... it's my birthday." I told him and he looked at me shocked. I didn't like to make a big deal about my birthday, but Tao forced me to do something, like he always does. It was only a small get together with the four of us, which meant that it was going to be fun.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked and I felt bad. I would have told him but the fact that I liked him and would've been awkward the whole time made me decide otherwise. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Tao doesn't want to meet Nick. He sent me a whole paragraph about how Nick is a rugby lad, and how I should stay safe when Im around him, last night.

"Sorry, I was going to, it's just... I liked you and I thought you didn't like me back." I told him and he laughed. Nick was surprisingly easy to talk to and I love that about him, it's like I could tell him all of my secrets and he'd just be there for me.

"I thought you realised that I liked you on the weekend." He said and that's when it hit me. The guy that Nick was telling me about when he asked how I found out I was gay.

"That was about me?" I asked. I was 95% sure that I was but there was still a possibility that this was all just one messed up joke.

"Of course, it was!" He said and I blushed again. "Are you serious? I'm always so flustered around you." He said. I never really thought of it that way, he sometimes was a little red.

"Well, I haven't really seen what you are like in front of your other friends, so I just expected that was what you're always like." I shrugged. That was probably my fault, but most of Nick's friends were the complete opposite of me and we wouldn't get along very well.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point." He said while slightly tilting his head. "Anyway, your birthday? Are you doing anything?" He asked.

"Well, there's a birthday party on Saturday, do you want to come?" I asked him and he smiled. It would be a good time for Nick to meet my friends, although Tao might be a tad over top.

"Yes! But what am I supposed to get you?" He asked and I scoffed. Another reason I hated birthdays; did we really need gifts just because we stayed alive for another year? To be fair, it has been difficult recently, to stay alive.

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